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CarbonClick represents New Zealand's green technology innovation Government's mission to promote Southeast Asia trade links

CarbonClick represents New Zealand's green technology innovation Government's mission to promote Southeast Asia trade links


New Zealand green technology company CarbonClick has been selected to join the government's mission to strengthen trade links with Southeast Asia. The carbon offset provider was founded in 2017 to positively impact climate change at every available moment, and will be part of a delegation to visit the region with Prime Minister Christopher Luxon in April this year. ing. CarbonClick will be led by co-founder and CEO Dave Rouse, joining 26 other business leaders united in our mission to build and strengthen trade opportunities between New Zealand and Southeast Asia. Become.

with senior business representatives from areas such as manufacturing, infrastructure and investment. CarbonClick explores the green technology sector with the aim of sharing insights into local sustainable technology opportunities, implementing those technologies into new businesses, and building relationships that can support the reduction of global carbon emissions. I represent.

Visiting Singapore, Thailand and the Philippines on a six-day mission, the agenda will consist of panel discussions, insight-sharing presentations and networking meetings, where business leaders will connect with key stakeholders in Southeast Asia and leverage New Zealand's technology and support capabilities. We aim to prove it. Growth of trade between countries. This demonstrates the commitment of the New Zealand Government and business delegation to deepening New Zealand's international engagement and potential business opportunities in these key markets.

CarbonClick already has significant partnerships in Southeast Asia, with world-renowned transport hub Changi Airport, Far East Hospitality Group, and most recently with the Singapore Airshow in February, It showcases the industry's commitment to climate change and sets a precedent for sustainable practices. In this area.

Commenting on being selected to join the mission, CarbonClick Co-Founder and CEO Dave Rouse said: “It's an honor for CarbonClick to be recognized as New Zealand's leading innovative business and we're thrilled to have the opportunity to showcase what CarbonClick can do.” Global Changer.

We hope that this mission will further strengthen existing relationships with key stakeholders, as well as form new ones. By establishing our credibility in this region, we can demonstrate to business leaders the potential of seamlessly integrating our cutting-edge technology with carbon emissions efforts. We exist to make cooling the planet simple and doable, and by forming these partnerships we can bring this technology to life around the world and have real impact.

Maggie Christie, New Zealand Trade and Enterprise Commissioner in Singapore, said:

The bilateral relationship between New Zealand and Singapore is close and has been for many years. Singapore plays an important role both in Southeast Asia and the world, with Singapore Changi Airport ranked as the fifth busiest international airport in the world, and the Singapore Airshow being one of the most important places to shape the future of the global aviation industry. It's on the front line. CarbonClicks has partnered with both the Singapore Airshow and Changi Airport through its carbon offset program, demonstrating how New Zealand companies are building future-proof technology for the world.




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