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Former FSU Football DL enters NCAA Transfer Portal after four months at Georgia Tech

Former FSU Football DL enters NCAA Transfer Portal after four months at Georgia Tech


The NCAA Transfer Portal is open for business as Tuesday marked the start of a 15-day spring break that runs from April 16 to 30. There is already plenty of activity to note during what is expected to be a fairly active period for the state of Florida.

On Tuesday morning, former FSU defensive tackle Ayobami Tifases entered the transfer portal for the second time, according to a report from Rival's Kelly Quinlan. That means he has been looking for his third home since December after leaving Georgia Tech after less than a semester. Tifases originally entered the portal in the winter after two years with the Seminoles to find a quicker path to immediate playing time.

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Tifas was a late addition to Florida State's 2022 recruiting class after committing to the program ahead of Maryland, Arkansas and UConn. He was ineligible to play in games during his first season with the Seminoles, but practiced with the team while redshirting. Tifases made three appearances last season, with his lone tackle coming in the win over Syracuse in October. He was on the field only twenty times in total.

The Maryland native was originally scheduled to play against Florida State in the international matchup against Georgia Tech in Ireland. Instead, he will look for another program to join while still having three seasons of eligibility remaining.

Defensive tackle could be a position Florida State invests in during the portal cycle. The Seminoles are expected to have just seven scholarship players at the position in 2024; redshirt junior Darrell Jackson, redshirt junior Joshua Farmer, redshirt junior Grady Kelly, redshirt sophomore Daniel Lyons, redshirt freshman KJ Sampson, true freshman Jamorie Flagg and true freshman D'Nas White.

As of now, Florida State has had two players enter the portal this spring; wide receiver Joshua Burrell and cornerback Greedy Vance. The program still needs to shed a significant number of scholarship players to reach the 85 scholarship limit.

The Seminoles saw quarterback Tate Rodemaker (Southern Miss), quarterback AJ Duffy (San Diego State), running back Rodney Hill (?), running back CJ Campbell (FAU), wide receiver Goldie Lawrence (UCF), tight end Markeston Douglas (Arizona State), tight end Preston Daniel (Buffalo), offensive lineman Thomas Shrader (Appalachian State), offensive lineman Bless Harris (TCU), offensive lineman Daughtry Richardson (FAU), offensive lineman Qae'shon Sapp (ECU), defensive end Gilber Edmond (South Carolina), defensive lineman Dennis Briggs (Illinois (, defensive tackle Malcolm Ray (Rutgers), defensive tackle Ayobami Tifas (?), linebacker Dylan Brown-Turner (UTEP) and kicker Tyler Keltner (Oklahoma) enter the portal during the winter transfer portal window set on January 4 was closed.

READ MORE: FSU Football brings back 1999 national champions as guest coaches in spring show

Keep up NoleGameday for more Florida State football coverage throughout the spring

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