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Evolving laundry habits and technology drive category innovation

Evolving laundry habits and technology drive category innovation


Unilever today announced the launch of new science-backed innovations to address evolving laundry needs and changing technology in consumers' homes. Under its Dirt Is Good brand (also known as Persil, OMO and Skip), Unilever uses state-of-the-art robotics and AI to create products specifically designed to deliver superior performance even on 15-minute cycles. We have developed a new laundry detergent called Wonder Wash.

The growing popularity of athleisure wear that reduces odor, combined with hybrid work patterns adopted since the pandemic, is changing the type of laundry consumers do.

Due to changes in habits, such as a reduction in daily commuting, clothes still carry invisible oils and dirt, but the majority (70%) of the clothes we wash now have invisible oils and dirt on them. There are no visible stains. Instead, it's dirty with invisible sweat, dust, and body oils that cause odor. As a result, two in three washing machine owners (78%) choose their cycles to last less than 30 minutes at least once a week.

This, combined with the rise of washing machines with cycle settings as short as 15 minutes, has created a new consumer need for products that are effective and leave no sticky residue on even the shortest cycles.

Unilever leverages centuries of expertise in laundry detergent formulation, combined with robotics and AI, to completely reimagine laundry detergents to meet new consumer needs, such as the desire to save on energy costs Did. Wonder Wash is designed to outperform leading detergent brands in short 15 minute cycles and is also suitable for longer cycles. Testing shows that the product's innovative Pro-S technology outperforms our competitors for short-cycle users' four biggest pain points: odor removal, lack of residue, freshness, and fabric care. has been shown to perform better than

While regular liquid detergents aren't designed to perform best in short cycles and can leave a sticky residue, Unilever scientists have discovered that they activate quickly once the cycle starts, removing everyday dirt and grime. We've developed a blend of fast-acting ingredients that resolves malodorous compounds in minutes. , and even in the most difficult washing conditions. With 35 patents pending, this innovation aims to create a new category of laundry products.

Eduardo Campanella, President of Unilever Homecare Business Group, said: Until now, laundry detergents have not kept pace with changes in consumer behavior. By harnessing people's enthusiasm for short-cycle treatment of everyday dirt, we have opened up a new category of short-cycle products in the laundry field. This breakthrough in fast-acting cleaning is now available to consumers around the world under Dirt Is Good, one of Unilever's 30 power brands, and we are focusing our investment and expanding our has achieved outstanding innovation.

As part of Unilever Homecare's Clean Future strategy, this aims to not only provide an unmissable superior laundry experience, but also reduce environmental impact by encouraging the use of shorter energy-saving cycles . Having spent more than a century developing detergents, we have overcome real-world technical challenges to deliver superior performance even in difficult wash conditions with short durations and short cycles.

To make one of Unilever's 30 Power brands unmissable, Dirt is Good has partnered with Earth's Fastest Man, Usain Bolt, as part of an advertising campaign. Wonderwash will be available in major retailers in the UK, Ireland and China from mid-April, before expanding to other markets including France later this year.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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