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Trump trial highlights: Seven jurors sworn in as ex-president reprimanded for potential jury intimidation

Trump trial highlights: Seven jurors sworn in as ex-president reprimanded for potential jury intimidation


Supporters and protesters gather outside Trump criminal trial

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Donald Trump was reprimanded by Judge Juan Merchan for mumbling and making audible gestures toward a potential juror after his lawyer Todd Blanche challenged his possible inclusion on the secret trial jury.

The former president's legal team discovered a video on her Facebook page in which she celebrated New Yorkers after her 2020 election defeat. When asked for clarification, Judge Merchan was pleased to his explanation but told Mr. Trump: “I will not tolerate this,” he said. I will not let any juror be intimidated in this courtroom.

Mr Trump is once again making history as the first US president to be tried on criminal charges.

He is charged with 34 counts of falsifying business records in an attempt to conceal a hush money payment made to adult film star Stormy Daniels in the run-up to the 2016 presidential election in order to make her to keep quiet about an alleged affair in 2006.

The charges themselves are misdemeanors but were elevated to felonies because Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg said they violated state and federal election laws.

Mr. Trump denies this affair and pleads not guilty.

So far, seven jurors have been confirmed. Jury selection continues Thursday.

Key PointsShow Latest Update 1713313255Who is in the running to become Trumps Veep?

While Donald Trump's nomination to the Republican National Committee (RNC) is almost formally assured, all eyes are on who the former president will choose as his running mate in his race for the White House.

Already, rumors are circulating about Mr. Trump's short list of potential options, almost all of which are people who have supported Mr. Trump and denounced the results of the 2020 election, despite ample evidence that they have not been stolen.

It's unclear when Mr. Trump will announce his decision, but he revealed Mike Pence as his running mate in July 2016, before his annual RNC convention.

Ariana Baio and Gustaf Kilander look at potential options:

Oliver O'ConnellApril 17, 2024 01:20

1713311551In pictures: Trump visits Harlem bodega after second day of hearing

Mike BediganApril 17, 2024 00:52

1713310086Trump visits bodega where employee stabbed ex-convict in self-defense after second day in court

Donald Trump made a post-hearing visit Tuesday to a Manhattan bodega where clerk Jose Alba stabbed an ex-convict to death in self-defense two years ago. The case sparked widespread outrage after he was initially charged with murder.

Mr. Trump stopped at the Sanaa Practical Store, formerly known as the Blue Moon Practical Store, in Harlem to meet with store co-owner Maad Ahmed and small business advocate Francisco Marte, where he also held the hand of his supporters in the street.

He was greeted with cheers and chants from the United States! UNITED STATES! and four more years! on arrival.

It’s a very exciting time for me because the Bodegas Association invited me, I respect them and they respect me. They want law and order, they have a lot of crime, huge crime, their stores are being broken into, Mr. Trump told reporters.

There has never been a judge as confrontational as this one, it's ridiculous. There is no crime, Mr. Trump told reporters.

Do you know where the crime is? In the bodegas… We have to treat these people fairly, the bodegas, every week, we rob them two or three times, it's crazy. And you know what the police can do, they can arrest him but they have to be allowed to do their job.

He said New York had deteriorated in recent years and promised to turn the city around if he returned to the White House.

Mike BediganApril 17, 2024 00:28

1713309655 Today in court: I will not let any juror intimidate

I will not tolerate it. I will not let any juror be intimidated in this courtroom, said New York Judge Juan Merchan, furious. I want to make this very clear.

Alex Woodward reports from court:

Oliver O'ConnellApril 17, 2024 00:20

1713307855Seven New Yorkers now taking part in historic trial in secret as Trump jury begins to take shape

Seven Manhattan residents, including an Irish waiter, an oncology nurse and a man who finds Donald Trump fascinating, have been selected to serve on a jury that could return the first verdict in a criminal trial against the former president.

Alex Woodward reports from the courthouse in Lower Manhattan:

Oliver O'ConnellApril 16, 2024 11:50 p.m.

1713307082Trump to visit bodega where employee stabbed ex-convict in self-defense after second day in court

Donald Trump reportedly made a post-hearing visit Tuesday to a Manhattan bodega where clerk Jose Alba stabbed an ex-convict to death in self-defense two years ago.

The case sparked widespread outrage after he was initially charged with murder.

According to the New York Post, Mr. Trump will stop at the Sanaa Practical Store, formerly known as Blue Moon Practical Store, in Harlem to meet with store co-owner Maad Ahmed and small business advocate Francisco Marte.

What happened to José was very hard for me. José was defending himself from the guy who came behind the counter. All for $1 worth of chips, Mr. Ahmed, 36, told the media outlet:

The former president appeared to confirm his intention to visit the store as he left court on Tuesday.

Mike BediganApril 16, 2024 11:38 p.m.

1713306055How did Trump Media stock perform today?

Oliver O'ConnellApril 16, 2024 11:20 p.m.

1713303678Seventh juror confirmed

A seventh juror was confirmed and asked to return Monday morning in hopes the trial could begin at that time.

Joining the six people confirmed earlier today is a civil lawyer, married with two children, whose wife works in risk management at a bank.

He enjoys spending time outdoors and with his children. He listens to two podcasts, Smartless and Car Talk, as well as WNYC.

Oliver O'ConnellApril 16, 2024 10:41 p.m.


To conclude her interrogation, Blanche speaks questions the jury about the presumption of innocence, the burden of proof and proof beyond a reasonable doubt. Potential jurors say they understand.

They are then asked about their social media habits before being asked to hang out while lawyers review their notes.

Oliver O'ConnellApril 16, 2024 10:35 p.m.

1713302899Trump defense conducts voir dire

Todd Blanche is now available for Trump's defense team to conduct voir dire.

He first turns to juror B352, the real estate professional.

Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of President Trump? he asks.

He calls it a loaded question.

There are things that I agree with, there are things that were done well during his presidency… I would not characterize it as favorable or unfavorable.

Only a few hours ago, after the last round of questioning, Judge Merchan said he did not think the line of questioning was good.

B269 is also asked about his opinion of Trump.

I have political opinions about his program and his presidency, he said, but I don't know the man. I don't have any particular opinion on him personally.

Blanche now turns to B364, the law enforcement veteran and his opinion on Trump.

Hoo boy, he said. Coming back to Central Park, I knew some of the kids… But I also understood that you have the right to buy an item and put it there.

He apparently refers to the Central Park Five, who were wrongly convicted teenagers about whom Trump released an ad calling for the death penalty in the late 1980s.

The juror also calls Trump comical.

Alex WoodwardApril 16, 2024 10:28 p.m.




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