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Narendra Modi says Rahul Gandhi made fun of Dwarka puja: I went underwater but Shahzada | Latest news India

Narendra Modi says Rahul Gandhi made fun of Dwarka puja: I went underwater but Shahzada |  Latest news India


Amroha: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday alleged that Congress MP Rahul Gandhi had mocked his underwater prayers in Dwarka, Gujarat, earlier this year for the sake of his “vote bank”. Addressing an election rally in Uttar Pradesh's Amroha, PM Modi said Congress' Shehzada had rejected his beliefs.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi addresses a public meeting organized for the BJP's campaign for the Lok Sabha elections, in Amroha.  (PTI)
Prime Minister Narendra Modi addresses a public meeting organized for the BJP's campaign for the Lok Sabha elections, in Amroha. (PTI)

Archaeologists found Dwarka in the sea. I went underwater and did puja to Dwarka, but the Congress Shehzada says there is nothing to pray for in the ocean. These people have rejected our culture, our thousands of years old beliefs, just for their vote bank, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said.

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Prime Minister Narendra Modi also attacked Rahul Gandhi's ally in Uttar Pradesh, Samajwadi Party chief Akhilesh Yadav.

And I want to ask those who called themselves Yaduvanshi in Bihar, if you are a real Yaduvanshi, then how will you sit with a party which insults it, added Narendra Modi.

Rahul Gandhi had mocked Prime Minister Modi when the latter performed an underwater puja in the remains of the ancient submerged city of Lord Dwarka, ANI reported.

Also read: Prime Minister Narendra Modi accuses 'two princes' Akhilesh Yadav and Rahul Gandhi of attacking our faith

“The problems of farmers, inflation, unemployment and agniveers are the most important in the country today, but on TV channels you will never see any discussion on these issues. Instead, TV channels broadcast Modi ji every 24 hours; under the sea to do a puja and a television camera goes with him, then he takes a seaplane flight,” Rahul Gandhi had said.

PM Modi also criticized Yadav and Gandhi, saying “a film starring two princes from UP has been rejected” by the people of Uttar Pradesh.

“Every time these people start asking for votes from the people of UP, carrying the basket of nepotism, corruption and appeasement. In their campaign, these people leave no opportunity to attack our faith” , did he declare.

Prime Minister Modi said those who led previous governments misled people belonging to marginalized communities.

“Previous governments of our country continued to cheat SC/ST and OBC in the name of social justice. Jyotiba Phule's dream, Baba Saheb Ambedkar's dream, Chaudhary Charan Singh's dream, now Modi is realizing this justice dream social,” he said.

Rahul Gandhi and Akhilesh Yadav are contesting the Lok Sabha elections in an alliance. Yadav's Samajwadi Party is contesting 63 seats, while the Congress has fielded its candidates in 17 seats.

Voting for the first phase of Lok Sabha elections is underway for 102 seats across 21 states.




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