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Imran Khan's party chief calls Pakistani President Zardari 'illegal'

Imran Khan's party chief calls Pakistani President Zardari 'illegal'
Imran Khan's party chief calls Pakistani President Zardari 'illegal'


Islamabad [Pakistan], April 19 (ANI): Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) leader Omar Ayub Khan has called Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari “illegal”, Pakistan-based Geo News reported. He made the remarks after Zardari stressed the need for meaningful dialogue and called for political reconciliation to end polarization and address the challenges facing the crisis-hit country.

Asif Ali Zardari made the remarks during his maiden parliamentary speech. While referring to Article 41 of the Constitution, the PTI leader said the president represented the federation, adding that Zardari was yet to tender his resignation as co-chairman of the Pakistan People's Party (PPP).

Omar Ayub Khan said: “The law is being violated in this House. » He said he tried to raise a point as leader of the opposition but was refused to speak. He added: “In accordance with the law, the floor is given to the leader of the opposition whenever he requests it.

Meanwhile, PTI Chairman Barrister Gohar Ali Khan termed their protest and ruckus at the joint session of Parliament as a '21-gun salute' to the Pakistani President, according to the Geo News report.

He declared: “We do not recognize this president [Zardari]. [Not only] this president, but Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif and the entire cabinet are also illegal. ” Khan said, “In today's session, we presented a 21-gun salute to Zardari. Gohar Ali Khan further said that they “forced” Zardari out of his speech. Amid calling Friday's protest “democratic right”, he said a glass wall had been installed at the venue meeting of PTI founder Imran Khan in the jail, Geo News reported.

He added: “We will fulfill our responsibility within the framework of the Constitution and the law.” Addressing the joint session of Parliament on Thursday, amid protests organized by Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI)-backed Sunni Ittehad Council (SIC). lawmakers, Zardari called for joint efforts to bring Pakistan out of the crisis. He urged all stakeholders to play their role for the prosperity of Pakistan, Geo News reported.

Former Pakistan Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif, Pakistan People's Party (PPP) leaders Bilawal Bhutto Zardari and Aseefa Bhutto were among the members of the National Assembly and Senate who attended the joint session of Parliament.

Zardari said their agenda and ideology will strengthen the country and stressed the need to establish a political environment to meet the expectations of all stakeholders. He asked Pakistan's political leaders to put forward their priorities and stressed the need to end differences for the country's prosperity.

Calling for positive steps, he said harmony among institutions was the need of the hour to pave the way for Pakistan's development, the report said.

Asif Ali Zardari said: “If we see today as a new beginning, which it is, then we can build on our strengths by investing in our citizens, focusing on public needs and leveraging our resources to create pathways to inclusive growth. “I also think we have little time to lose. The country needs us to move away from the polarization so common in contemporary politics. This Common House must play a leading role in restoring public confidence in the parliamentary process and establishing a foundation. for the sustainable and uninterrupted development of our nation,” he added. (ANI)




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