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Blinken to warn China of support for Russian military during visit this week

Blinken to warn China of support for Russian military during visit this week


Secretary of State Antony Blinken will warn China against supporting the Russian military when he visits the country this week, according to a report.senior State Department official.

Blinken is expected to convey Washington's deep concerns about Chinese aid to Russia's defense industrial base during his three-day visit that begins Wednesday.

We are prepared to take action when we deem it necessary against companies that… seriously undermine security in Ukraine and Europe, the official told reporters before Blinkens' trip.

And I think we have demonstrated our willingness to do that with respect to companies in a number of countries, not just China, he added. In any case, once again, I think this will be a key question of discussion during our stay in Beijing.

U.S. allies in Europe are concerned about the implications of Beijing's support for Russia's war in Ukraine and what it means for European security in particular. Then, of course, it will be up to China to determine the next steps, the official noted.

This will be Blinkens' second trip to China after a high-stakes diplomatic mission aimed at easing tensions between the United States and June last year.

During his visit to Beijing and Shanghai, Blinken is expected to meet with senior Chinese officials, including Foreign Minister Wang Yi, according to the State Department. It remains unclear whether the secretary of state will meet with Chinese President Xi Jinping.

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When it comes to Russia's defense industrial base, China is the largest contributor, Blinken said last week, following theG7 Foreign Ministers Meetingin Italy.

We see China sharing machine tools, semiconductors and other dual-use goods that have helped Russia rebuild the defense industrial base that sanctions and export controls had done so much to degrade, did he declare.

However, if China claims to want good relations with Europe and other countries, it cannot, on the other hand, fuel what constitutes the greatest threat to European security since the end of the Cold War .

Chinese companies are playing an increasingly important role in supporting Russia's struggling economy and boosting its military capabilities, including through trading in goods for use on the battlefield in Ukraine, according to a report.CNBC analysis.

Data last year seemed to suggest Beijing was supplying militarily useful equipment such as drones, helmets, vests and radios, extending the lifeline from President Vladimir Putin's war against Ukraine.

Blinken will also discuss a range of bilateral, regional and global issues, such as the Middle East crisis and Chinese provocations in the South China Sea, the senior official said.

Beijing claims almost the entire South China Sea and is in a territorial dispute with Southeast Asian countries including the Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia and Vietnam. He has already warned Washingtonnot interfere in China's territorial and maritime rights.

On the commercial front, the two countries continue tobattle for technological supremacyand last week, Chinacriticized an American investigationin its maritime, logistics and shipbuilding sectors, calling the decision a mistake on top of a mistake.

The senior US official said Washington was realistic and clear-eyed about the prospects for breakthroughs on each of these issues.

But we will continue to use diplomacy to communicate our positions and policies, dispel misconceptions, and emphasize that we will continue to take action to protect our national security and economy.




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