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Top US diplomat Blinken visits China amid escalating tensions over Taiwan | Conflict News

Top US diplomat Blinken visits China amid escalating tensions over Taiwan |  Conflict News


The trip comes after the US Senate approved a bill that will provide billions of dollars in aid to Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken arrived in China for a three-day trip, following Senate approval of a foreign aid package that will provide billions of dollars in aid to Ukraine, Israel and in Taiwan.

Blinken, who landed in Shanghai on Wednesday, is expected to meet with city business leaders before heading to Beijing on Friday for talks with his counterpart, Foreign Minister Wang Yi, and a likely meeting with President Xi Jinping .

Beijing and Washington said the trip was aimed at strengthening dialogue and stabilizing their troubled bilateral relations.

The trip comes just hours after the U.S. Senate voted to approve a major foreign aid package and shortly before President Joe Biden signs it into law.

The bill provides eight billion dollars to counter Chinese threats to Taiwan and the broader Asia-Pacific region and gives ByteDance nine months to sell TikTok, with a possible three-month extension if a sale is pending.

Beijing is also seeking to resolve several other issues with Washington, including U.S. accusations that China is fueling the fentanyl opioid crisis in the United States.

Ukraine is also expected to be a central topic of discussion during Secretary of State Blinkens' visit, focusing on the Biden administration's claims that China has allowed Russia to largely rebuild its industrial base defense, which would not only affect the war in Ukraine, but would pose a threat to the war in Ukraine at large. European security.

If China claims, on the one hand, to want good relations with Europe and other countries, it cannot, on the other hand, fuel what constitutes the greatest threat to European security since the end of the Cold War, Blinken said last week.

China has said it has the right to trade with Russia and accused the United States of exacerbating the war by arming and financing Ukraine.

It is extremely hypocritical and irresponsible for the United States to introduce a large-scale aid bill to Ukraine while making unfounded accusations against normal economic and trade exchanges between China and Russia, he said. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin said on Tuesday.

In the Middle East, Blinken encouraged China to more actively pressure Iran not to escalate tensions in the region.

He spoke repeatedly with his Chinese counterpart, Wang Yi, urging China to tell Iran to restrict proxy groups it has supported in the region, including Hamas in Gaza, Lebanese Hezbollah, Yemen's Houthis and Iran-backed militias in Iraq and Syria.

Although China appears to have been generally receptive to such appeals, tensions have continued to rise since the start of Israel's war on Gaza.




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