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PM Modi on Sam Pitroda's remark on 'inheritance tax': 'Congress spoils with or after life'

PM Modi on Sam Pitroda's remark on 'inheritance tax': 'Congress spoils with or after life'


Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched a scathing attack on the Congress against his 'adviser' Sam Pitroda who was advocating an inheritance tax law. He accused Congress of “looting” citizens even after their deaths.

This is the mantra of the Congress Looting Congress with or after life [the Congress has only one motto that of looting people during their life and even after their life]“, PM Modi said at an election rally in Surguja.

“The Congress will kill you with more taxes until you are alive and when you die, it will charge you with inheritance tax. These people who considered the entire Congress party as their ancestral property and the have passed on to their children, no longer do so now want Indians to pass on their property to their children,” PM Modi said.

During his speech, PM Modi called the Congress leader a shehzaada [prince] and advisor to the prince of the royal family Pitroda”.

The Prime Minister said: “The prince's adviser to the royal family said more taxes should be imposed on the middle class. Now these people have gone further: Congress has declared that it will impose an inheritance tax, as well as a tax on inheritance received from parents. The assets you have accumulated through your hard work will not be given to your children. »

The Prime Minister was reacting to a recent remark by Overseas Indian Congress President Sam Pitroda, who reportedly stressed the need for a policy of wealth redistribution.

What Sam Pitroda said

Pitroda said in a televised debate: “In America there is an inheritance tax. If someone has wealth worth $100 million and when they die they can probably only transfer 45 percent of it to their children, 55 percent is taken back by the government. This is an interesting law. It is said that you in your generation have made your fortune and now you are leaving, you must leave your wealth to the public, not all of it, half of it, which seems fair to me. »

Congress distanced itself from this remark while Pitroda himself provided a clarification.

Sam Pitroda clarifies: Who said that 55% would be deleted?

As his statement sparked an argument, Pitroda posted on X: “Who said 55% would be removed? »Who said something like this should be done in India? Why are the BJP and the media in panic? »

“I mentioned U.S. inheritance taxes in the United States only as an example in my usual TV conversation. Can I not mention facts? I said those were the kinds of issues that people will have to discuss and debate. This has nothing to do with the politics of any party, including the Congress,” he added.

Pitroda added: “It is unfortunate that what I said as an individual on the US inheritance tax is being distorted by the Godi media to distract from the lies the Prime Minister is spreading about the Congress manifesto. Prime Minister's comments on Mangal Sutra and gold thefts are simply unreal. “

Congress distances itself from Pitroda's remarks

The Congress has distanced itself from Sam Pitroda's remark on 'inheritance duties', saying that while the Overseas Indian Congress (IOC) president is free to express his views, that does not mean that They reflect the views of the party.

In a statement on

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Published: April 24, 2024, 02:40 PM IST




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