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China's Xi Jinping urges troops to focus on battlefield during visit to military medical school

China's Xi Jinping urges troops to focus on battlefield during visit to military medical school


Chinese President Xi Jinping visited a military medical university and called on students and military personnel to focus on the battlefield as Beijing strengthens its war preparedness.

Xi visited the Military Medical University in the southwestern megacity of Chongqing on Tuesday to review the university's academic work in battlefield medicine and inspect its emergency medical equipment on the battlefield, according to a report published Thursday by the official Xinhua news agency.

General He Weidong, second vice president of the powerful Chinese government Central Military Commissionaccompanied Xi on his visit to the university, which was part of a three-day inspection trip to Chongqing Municipality that ended Wednesday.

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According to Xinhua, Xi called for strengthening logistical support, improving the combat effectiveness of troops and promoting the physical and mental well-being of officers and soldiers.

It is necessary to adhere to moral education and training of personnel for combat readiness, deepen educational and pedagogical reforms, and train a new generation of morally upright and capable Red military doctors, Mr. Xi.

The Military Medical University specializes in areas such as high-altitude military medicine, war trauma medicine and burn medicine, according to its website.

It also has the only national laboratory for research into injuries, including trauma, burns and composite injuries.

Xinhua praised the university for consistently prioritizing military needs, advancing innovative development, and excelling in completing major tasks in military medical support and China's COVID-19 response.

Xi called on the institution to vigorously promote innovative research in specialized medical fields, consolidate traditional strengths, seize the forefront of development, and strive for excellence in military medical science.

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Beijing has improved countries' war preparedness People's Liberation Army and allocate more resources to military logistics, personnel training and key weapons because it faces a more complex external environment.

In September last year, the PLA Eastern Theater Command General Hospital held a medical support exercise in which field surgical vehicles rushed to a coastal battlefield for rescue wounded soldiers.

The PLA Eastern Theater Command tested the use of helicopters and drones to rescue injured soldiers from the islands off the coast of Zhejiang province. Military analysts told the Post last year that the exercise was aimed at preparing for a possible military conflict near the coastal islands and in the Taiwan Strait.
Chinas annual military budget has seen annual growth of 7.2 percent over the past two years, above the country's economic growth target of 5 percent for 2024.

During China's annual parliamentary session in March, PLA spokesperson Wu Qian said the growing defense budget would be spent on improving combat readiness and preparing for wars while challenges persist at home and abroad.

The instability and uncertainty of the security situation we face have increased, and the task of military struggle is arduous and heavy, Wu said, adding that international military conflicts have broken out and the anti-separatist struggle China's interior was complex and dark.




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