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Trump holds rally in Wisconsin, as polls show state still in doubt

Trump holds rally in Wisconsin, as polls show state still in doubt
Trump holds rally in Wisconsin, as polls show state still in doubt


Taking a day off from his criminal trial in New York, Donald Trump headlined a rally in Wisconsin on Wednesday, blasting President Biden's economic agenda, praising the Supreme Court's decision to overturning a constitutional right to abortion and complaining about its legal difficulties.

He told supporters at the rally in Waukesha that Mr. Biden had wreaked havoc on the economy.

“If Joe Biden wins the election, the middle class will lose,” Trump said. “We are a failing nation, a nation in decline. We are a nation that has lost its way.”

What Trump said about abortion rights

He spent much of his nearly 90-minute speech without a prompter, including an unwritten assessment of abortion rights following the Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe v. Wade.

He said the plan had always been “to take abortion out of the federal government.”

While it is now up to the States to decide, “people are absolutely delighted”.

He repeated that he had been “indicted four times for nothing”.

After being fined for violating the judge's order of silence in his current secrecy case in New York, he didn't spend much time discussing it, saying briefly that he had “a crooked judge . He’s a totally conflicted judge.”

At one point, while accusing Mr. Biden of causing inflation, he brought on stage the owner of a vegan restaurant who is struggling to stay in business.

Trump admitted he had never tried vegan food, repeatedly mispronouncing the word “vay-gan.”

Why is Trump campaigning on Wednesday?

Juan Merchan, the judge presiding over the trial, is using Wednesday to deal with other matters on his docket. This frees up the former president, allowing him to campaign in key states like Wisconsin.

Jurors in former President Donald Trump's criminal trial in New York heard testimony Tuesday from Keith Davidson, a lawyer who represented two women who claimed in 2016 that they had sex with Trump and were paid for their silence .

Before testimony resumed, Merchan held Trump in contempt of court for violating a silence order limiting what Trump could say about people involved in the case. The judge fined him $1,000 for each violation.

One thing to watch Wednesday: Will Trump calibrate his rhetoric in light of Merchan's decision?

Who is favored to win in Wisconsin: Trump or Biden?

President Biden won Wisconsin by about 20,000 votes in 2020. A CBS News poll released this week shows Biden struggling to hold off Trump again in the Badger State.

Faced with looming inflation, most voters in three key states – Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania – see no improvement in their state's economy after the pandemic: only a quarter say it is has improved in the intervening years, and about half say so. got worse.

Amid these poor economic numbers, Mr. Biden is narrowly trailing his rival on “understanding the needs and concerns of people like you.” That means he loses an advantage he enjoyed in the summer of 2020 when CBS News asked voters in Pennsylvania and Wisconsin this question.

Former president is fundraising following Merchan's contempt of court ruling.

On the home page of his campaign website, he calls on voters to support him after “a liberal judge just silenced me! I call on you to participate and proudly say: end the witch hunt against Trump!”

Trump will also campaign Wednesday evening in Freeland, Michigan, another key state in the presidential campaign.

More from CBS News

John Dodge




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