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Panthers wrap up midweek meet in Liberty

Panthers wrap up midweek meet in Liberty
Panthers wrap up midweek meet in Liberty


Lynchburg, Va. On Wednesday, High Point's men's and women's track and field teams traveled to Liberty University to compete in the midweek Liberty Twilight Qualifier.

Two school records were broken Wednesday night. In the men's high jump, two athletes from the men's team set a new program record of 2.12 meters. Shaun Thomas took first place Andrew Taylor placed second.

The men's 4×100 meter relay team also set a new program record, consisting of: Isaac McGinnis, A'lajuwan Robinson, Tyneilus Morrow And Deron Dudley. The four together achieved a time of 40.17.

Dudley and Robinson also competed in other running events, as Dudley came second in the men's 100 meters with a time of 10.53, while Robinson came second in the men's 200 meters with a time of 20.83.

In the men's 400 meter race, Reilly Mazzetti crossed the finish line second after running a lap of 50.38 seconds.

High Point had top results in the men's 800 meters and 1500 meters. Graham Ferguson came first in the 800m with a time of 1:51.67 Jason Thomson came second in the 1500 meters with a time of 3:43.22. Brianna Malone also took first place in the women's 1500 meters, crossing the line with a time of 4:28.19.

At the obstacles, Lindsay Cooper ran a 13.90 to earn a third-place finish in the women's 100-meter hurdles. Antonio Votour represented the men in the 110m hurdles and came fifth with a time of 15.11.

At the throwing events Nick Morse took home first place in the men's shot put, with a throw of 15.07 meters. Chris Van Niekerk Among the men, he threw 52.52 meters and came second in the general classification. Timon Edelen placed in the top five in three throwing events, including the shot put (14.59 m), discus (47.84 m) and the hammer (47.36 m). For the women, Letizia Jessica Marsico And Kelly Chaballa came fifth and sixth in the women's javelin, after throwing 35.35 and 33.63 meters respectively.

In pole vaulting, Reid Holloway had the best finish for the men's team, clearing 5.02 meters for second place behind Coach Scott Houston which competed with the Vaulthouse clearance of 5.17m. Auriane Viola had the best finish for the women's team, scoring 1.68m for fourth place.

Next one:

High Point is gearing up to host the Big South Tournament starting Monday, May 6e in the Vert Stadium.

#GoHPU x #DefendTheTeam




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