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Trump Media Auditor Shutdown Delays Company's IPOs, Earnings

Trump Media Auditor Shutdown Delays Company's IPOs, Earnings


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The closure of the accounting firm behind former US President Donald Trump's social media group threatens to derail the plans of a number of companies to go public and force dozens of listed companies to delay their financial results.

The Securities and Exchange Commission this month charged BF Borgers, one of the most widely used auditors in the United States, which was previously used by Trump Media & Technology Group and its founder, with falsely representing to its clients that its audit work would comply with American standards. He accused it of massive fraud and said three-quarters of its audits were flawed.

The sudden closure of Borger sent shockwaves through the US small-cap sector at the height of earnings season. Nine microcap companies planning an IPO were clients of the now-disgraced firm, while about 170 public companies that had hired Borgers suddenly found themselves in need of a new accountant.

The ripple effect has been significant, said Agnes Cheng, an accounting professor at the University of Oklahoma's John T Steed School of Accounting. She compared Borgers to a little Arthur Andersen, the auditor who collapsed more than 20 years ago after becoming embroiled in the Enron scandal.

Borgers' nine former clients, including drone operator Droneify Holdings, UAE robotics company Micropolis Robotic and blockchain group TessPay, hoped to raise a total of $150 million through public offerings, documents show. analyzed by the research and asset management company Renaissance Capital, which is handling the IPO. targeted exchange-traded funds.

Each of these companies must now have their accounts re-audited by a new auditor. It's unclear how many have found replacements.

Florida-based Key Mining, which mines copper and titanium in Chile, was due to list in New York this week but failed to do so. The company declined to comment. None of the other eight companies responded to requests for comment.

SEC filings also suggest that many listed companies that relied on Borgers would delay filing their results. The SEC said earlier this month it would allow a limited extension of the deadline for affected companies.

Biotechnology group Next-ChemX said in a May 6 filing that it was in the process of hiring another auditor, along with many other companies that are in the same situation, adding that there were there is a good chance that he will delay submitting his file. Financial state.

American Rebel, which makes safes for storing firearms, was a former customer of Borgers. Its president, Doug Grau, said the listeners' meltdown came out of nowhere.

He added: We were a day or two away from filing… looking back, one might say how did you not see this coming? But we didn't do it. This puts a company like ours in a very difficult position.

Telecommunications group FullNet Communications, mining company Atlas Lithium and entertainment group Lingerie Fighting Championships were among more than 50 companies to officially fire Borgers this week. Among them, 14 have already found a replacement.

Trumps TMTG has chosen Semple, Marchal & Cooper as its new auditor.

Gold Rock Holdings, Eva Live and Bioforce Nanoscience wrote separately Tuesday that they had hired Michael Gillespie & Associates. The closure of Borgers earlier this month was obviously a big event in this area, so a lot of people have been talking about it, Gillespie told the Financial Times.

Without admitting or denying the SEC's findings, Borgers and its founder Ben Borgers were fined and barred from practicing before the regulator as an accountant. Companies' deliberate and systemic failure to comply with professional standards affected more than 1,500 company filings between January 2021 and June 2023, the SEC said. At least 16 companies dropped Borgers earlier this year.

It is better for many companies to have to deal with the inconvenience of finding a new auditor than to [Borgers] go unpunished, said a person with knowledge of the company's case.




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