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Trump lawyer attacks Michael Cohen's credibility

Trump lawyer attacks Michael Cohen's credibility



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Donald Trump's defense sidelined a crucial phone call in the Manhattan silence case in an explosive exchange Thursday that sowed doubt about the reliability of a crucial witness for the prosecution.

Todd Blanche, a lawyer for the former president, obtained testimony indicating that a 96-second call was made by Michael Cohen to Trump's bodyguard in late 2016, during which Cohen said he followed the orders to buy the silence of a porn actor claiming that the matter perhaps concerned a completely different matter.

A series of text messages were shown to the jury supporting the idea that Cohen, Trump's former fixer and personal lawyer, was contacting Keith Schiller to follow up on a discussion about ongoing harassment by a teenager, a an allegation that Cohen has not denied.

Raising her voice, Blanche suggested that it was impossible for Cohen to discuss this issue and the money paid to Stormy Daniels in such a short call. When Cohen previously claimed under oath that the conversation was about the reward, Blanche claimed: That was a lie.

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When Cohen retorted that he had discussed both the harassment and the handling of the hush money, an incredulous Blanche retorted: You had enough time in one minute and 36 seconds to inform Mr. Schiller of all the calls harassing phone calls and news about Stormy Daniels?

Cohen, who is a convicted perjurer, later explained that he was able to remember the conversation accurately because it was extremely important and covered topics he was all passionate about.

During her cross-examination, Blanche sought to portray Cohen as an embittered former employee bent on revenge.

Cohen's reliability is a crucial assessment jurors will have to make before deciding whether to find Trump guilty of falsifying payment records to buy the silence of Daniels, who had threatened to go public with allegations of an extramarital encounter in the previous days. until the 2016 vote.

Blanche confronted Cohen, who has been testifying for three days, with a barrage of quotes from books and podcasts in which the disbarred lawyer had celebrated the indictment against the presumptive Republican presidential nominee.

During Thursday's session, attended by prominent radical House Republicans including Matt Gaetz and Lauren Boebert, the court heard a recording of Cohen saying the accusations against Trump filled him with joy and a clip in which he said: “I really hope this man goes to prison and that revenge is a dish best served cold.

A group of Republican members of Congress attended Thursday's session to show their support for Trump. AP

Prosecutors alleged that Trump engaged in election interference by forcing Cohen to pay $130,000 of his own money to Daniels and disguising a series of reimbursements as legal fees, in order to hide them from regulators and authorities during any future investigation.

Earlier in the week, Cohen said he had paid Daniels so his story would not affect Mr Trump's chances of becoming US president. He then expressed his regret for lying and bullying people on behalf of his former mentor, with whom he had a falling out in 2018.

During Blanche's cross-examination, Cohen was asked to confirm that he had lied under oath repeatedly during his congressional testimony and that he had called federal prosecutors and a senior judge fucking animals, after pleading guilty to a series of charges, including tax evasion, campaign finance violations and lying to banks.

Trump, 77, appeared to doze throughout the interrogation, his eyes tightly closed. The rows behind him were filled with members of the ultra-conservative House Freedom Caucus, including Anna Paulina Luna, Andy Biggs and Bob Good.

Several other Trump allies and potential vice presidential candidates, including Senators JD Vance and Tommy Tuberville and House Speaker Mike Johnson, have traveled to New York to support the accused in recent days.




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