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PTI calls for rehearing of Tyrienne case to try to keep Imran in prison

PTI calls for rehearing of Tyrienne case to try to keep Imran in prison



The Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) has expressed serious concerns over the reopening of the Tyrian trial against incarcerated PTI founder Imran Khan, terming it an unfair attempt to keep him in jail.

This reaction follows the decision to reexamine the case after a year, although two of the three judges on the original panel ruled against continuing the case.

A party spokesperson, in a strongly worded statement Saturday, criticized the move, calling it a desperate and baseless effort by Khan's opponents, who have already suffered setbacks in other legal battles, including in the Toshakhana, Cypher and Al-Qadir Trust cases. .

He accused Islamabad High Court (IHC) Chief Justice Aamer Farooq of bias, saying Farooq's decision to constitute a new bench to hear the Tyrian case, despite an existing bench verdict of three members, demonstrates bias against Khan.

Also read: One year later, the IHC takes over the Tyrian case

Highlighting other concerns, the PTI representative noted a letter from six IHC judges alleging interference and pressure from state institutions in the Tyrienne case. He argued that such revelations remove any legal or moral justification for pursuing the case.

The spokesperson denounced the ongoing filing of what he called bogus cases, including the Tyrian and Iddat cases, against Khan, suggesting that these actions reveal the moral degradation of those seeking revenge against the PTI leader .

He pointed out that, as in most of the nearly 200 cases against Khan, the plaintiff in Tyrian's case remains unidentified but appears to have support from state lawyers.

Condemning the formation of a new tribunal for a matter already deemed impractical, the PTI spokesperson termed the decision illegal and unacceptable. He demanded the immediate dismissal of the Tyrienne case, insisting that it be dropped in accordance with legal standards.

PTI demands protection of Pakistani students in Kyrgyzstan

Meanwhile, PTI Chairman Barrister Gohar Ali Khan has expressed serious concerns over the recent mob violence targeting international students, including Pakistanis, in Bishkek. He called on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to urgently ensure the safety and security of Pakistani students in Kyrgyzstan and facilitate their safe return to their country.

Lawyer Gohar reported that Pakistani students contacted him, describing the precarious security situation in Kyrgyzstan. He noted that a significant number of Pakistani students, particularly those from Punjab, Balochistan and Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa (KP), study at various universities in Kyrgyzstan, with a notable concentration at Almaty University in Bishkek .

Considering the seriousness of the situation, the PTI Chairman urged the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to immediately coordinate with the Pakistan Ambassador to Kyrgyzstan to implement measures to ensure the safety of the students and facilitate their unharmed return to Pakistan .




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