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Aider says talks between Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping were very fruitful

Aider says talks between Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping were very fruitful
Aider says talks between Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping were very fruitful


TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – Talks between Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping The meeting in Beijing was “very successful,” Kremlin adviser Yuri Ushakov told television journalist Pavel Zarubin in an interview cited by state media TASS on Saturday, May 18, 2024. Ushakov called the meeting discussion environment between the two leaders of “very friendly” and “the atmosphere was in a good mood, both” so that when the delegations from the two countries sat down for lunch, “the atmosphere was completely relaxed”.

“This kind of atmosphere helps people understand each other better, make jokes and tell stories. “Basically, the chemistry is getting stronger,” he said in an interview published via Zarubin's Telegram channel.

Xi and Putin promised a “new era” of partnership between their countries as the United States' two most powerful rivals, ending Putin's state visit to China on May 16-17, 2024.

China's number one man received the Russian president on the red carpet outside the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, greeted by rows of soldiers, a 21-gun salute in Tiananmen Square and children waving Chinese flags and Russians. Their conversation was followed by an informal lunch. The leaders were accompanied by several members of their delegation, including Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, Defense Minister Andrei Belousov, Security Council Secretary Sergei Shoyug and presidential aide Yuri Ushakov.

At the end of the meeting, Xi and Putin signed a joint statement expressing opposition to the United States on a number of security issues and sharing their views on everything from Taiwan to Ukraine to Korea of the North, as well as cooperation in the areas of the new peaceful nuclear weapon. technology and finance. Xi said he and Putin have met more than 40 times and maintained close communication, providing strategic guidance to ensure good, stable and harmonious development of relations.

“The current China-Russia relationship is hard-won, and both sides should cherish and preserve it,” Xi told Putin. “China is willing…to jointly realize the development and rejuvenation of our respective countries and work together to uphold justice and fairness in the world.”


Russia, which launched a NATO-backed invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, is increasingly finding common geopolitical goals with China under pressure from U.S. efforts to suppress its growing military and economic power. . But both face their own challenges, including China's economic slowdown and expansion. NATO after Russia's invasion of Ukraine. The United States views China as its greatest competitor and Russia as its greatest threat to the state.


Editors Choice: Xi Jinping and Putin become friends, promise closer relations

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