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President Joko Widodo: BPKP plays a big role in safeguarding sustainable development!

President Joko Widodo: BPKP plays a big role in safeguarding sustainable development!


Sonora.ID – President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) said that the Finance and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP) plays an important role in supervising the continuity of development.

Jokowi hopes that the BPKP and the Internal Government Monitoring Apparatus (APIP) will prioritize prevention, supervise the government's rapid and precise movements, use cutting-edge technology, and ensure that the community reaps maximum benefits of development.

“Because the BPKP has an important role, once again the BPKP has an important role in monitoring the continuity of development so that people can get the maximum benefits,” President Jokowi emphasized at the Opening of the National Coordination Meeting for Internal Control 2024 (Rakornas Wasin) at the State Palace in Jakarta (22/5)

President Jokowi compared the government's development goals to railway transportation, where the BPKP contributes to the construction of the tracks, ensuring that trains run straight and can reach their destinations quickly and accurately. The President also reminded APIP to be able to provide guidance and advice in the development process, and not just look for errors.

“The performance objective of the BPKP and internal supervisors is, again, not to detect errors, but rather to prevent irregularities. “So we should receive the right guidance, the right advice,” he said. -he declares.

Therefore, BPKP and APIP were asked to focus on how government programs can be felt by the people. President Jokowi said that the challenges in the future will be increasingly difficult, such as increasing public spending, increasing public demands, and increasingly close competition between countries. This condition requires rapid and precise work from the government.

“Fast countries will beat slow countries. “So, again, speed is very necessary, precision is very necessary,” President Jokowi emphasized.

He therefore hopes that the BPKP will always innovate, especially in the use of technology. Jokowi mentioned several technological applications such as: early detection and exclusion system platforms for warning/blacklisting of parties involved in fraud; risk rating tools to detect budget disbursement fraud; robotic process automation systems; as well as Internet of Things (IoT) and satellite imagery for field monitoring, can be used by BPKP.

Closing his speech, President Jokowi again emphasized that APIP exists to provide solutions and carry out prevention.

“Prioritize achieving results. “Prioritizing benefits, again, prioritizing the maximum benefits received by the community to ensure that our development improves every day,” he said.

On the same occasion, BPKP leader Muhammad Yusuf Ateh reported to the President that APIP had intensively supervised the implementation of various key development programs.

The contribution of BPKP supervision to state finances is proof of this.

“From 2020 to the first quarter of 2024, BPKP managed to save state finances worth IDR 78.68 trillion, saving state expenses worth IDR 192.93 trillion, and has was able to optimize state revenue worth IDR 38.75 trillion. The total financial contribution amounts to IDR 310.36 trillion. “We monitor not only financial responsibility, but also development effectiveness in various areas of development,” said the head of the BPKP.

Ateh explained that BPKP does not focus on finding mistakes, but tries to be part of the solution to problems.

“By conducting supervision, we consistently position ourselves as an integral part of the solution to problems, not as a party that simply looks for errors,” he explained.

He further explained that the existence of BPKP as a development solution has been successful in encouraging various positive achievements.

For example, in the infrastructure sector, where BPKP oversaw the development and implementation of 204 National Strategic Projects (PSN).

Not only overseeing the completion of physical development, BPKP also ensures that the various PSN connectivity infrastructures constructed have resulted in improved mobility and reduced logistics costs, so that economic activity increases.

The BPKP head said the Wasin 2024 national coordination meeting was a forum to coordinate the follow-up steps of all elements of the APIP to achieve effective supervision in supervising the accelerated completion of development goals remaining for 2020-2024.

Also read: Supporting the eradication of corruption, BPKP leader receives R Soeprapto award




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