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China versus ChatGPT; introduces its own secure AI system rooted in Xi Jinping ideology

China versus ChatGPT;  introduces its own secure AI system rooted in Xi Jinping ideology


China's top internet authority has introduced a language model rooted in President Xi Jinping's political philosophy, described as a “secure and reliable” closed AI system, according to a report by the South China Morning Post.

The model is believed to have been developed by the China Cyberspace Research Institute, under the supervision of the Cyberspace Administration of China, the country's internet regulator. It builds on Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, which encompasses his political, social and economic guidelines and was incorporated into the Chinese constitution in 2018.

According to the publication, a recent article on Administrations magazine's WeChat account highlighted that the main content of this AI model includes Xi's ideology and other cyberspace themes that align with the government's official narrative. The administration emphasized that the professionalism and authority of the corpus guarantee the quality of the content generated.

This AI system is designed to meet various user needs by answering questions, writing reports, summarizing information, and translating between Chinese and English. Unlike other models, this LLM is based on a selective knowledge base of locally generated data and is not open source, which allegedly improves its security and reliability.

The demonstrations in the post suggest that the model draws its answers from a range of Chinese official documents and media reports. Examples of requests for AI included topics such as differences between traditional and new productive forces terminology recently used by Beijing to solve economic problems or requests for reports on the current status of AI development.

The report adds that the system operates only on the servers of the China Cyberspace Research Institute, ensuring that all data is processed in the country to ensure a high level of security. The AI ​​uses pre-trained models that have received government approval.

Please note that at this time the AI ​​is under internal testing and is not available for general use. However, it is accessible to selected users by invitation, according to the administration.

The limited release is part of Beijing's broader efforts to harness artificial intelligence for economic growth while maintaining tight control over cybersecurity. In March, Premier Li Qiang launched an initiative to integrate AI into traditional sectors to bolster technological advancements.

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Published: May 22, 2024, 6:34 PM IST




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