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Eliminating the online gaming ecosystem: Jokowi at the working group

Eliminating the online gaming ecosystem: Jokowi at the working group


wait one to two weeks, there will be significant progress.

Jakarta (ANTARA) – President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has ordered the Integrated Task Force chaired by Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Hadi Tjahjanto to eliminate the online gaming ecosystem in the country.

During a limited meeting held Wednesday to discuss the eradication of online gambling, he also asked the task force to pursue progress toward ending online gambling without delay.

“We need to manage all ecosystems that enable online gaming,” Communications and Informatics Minister Budi Arie Setiadi, who is responsible for prevention in the task force, told reporters after the meeting. .

According to him, the objective behind the formation of the integrated task force is to completely eradicate online gambling, from upstream to downstream.

He informed that the President also directed the task force to make a significant impact on the management of online gambling.

The minister, however, did not provide further details on whether there is a goal to eradicate online gambling in Indonesia.

“Later, the reference will be that online gaming transactions according to the PPATK (Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis Center) report must decrease,” he said.

According to data from the Ministry of Communication and Informatics, as many as 1,904,246 pieces of online gambling content were removed between July 17, 2023 and May 21, 2024.

Additionally, 5,364 bank accounts and 555 e-wallet accounts affiliated with online gambling were referred to the Financial Services Authority (OJK) and Bank Indonesia (BI) for deletion.

The ministry also continues to coordinate with digital platforms such as Google and Meta after recording 20,241 keyword changes on Google and 2,637 new keywords on Meta.

The ministry also recorded 14,823 items of embedded content suspected of promoting online gambling on educational institution websites and 17,001 items of similar embedded content on government websites.

“It is a concern for us. Indeed, it is very difficult, it is hard. However, wait one to two weeks, there will be significant progress,” assured the minister.

Related news: Online gaming task force aims to protect citizens from crime
Related news: Ulema council warns against online gambling in Indonesia
Related news: Task force will implement three measures to eradicate online gambling: minister

Translator: Yashinta Difa, Raka Adji
Publisher: Azis Kurmala
Copyright © ANTARA 2024




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