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Google, more tools for advertisers including new formats for AI generated search

Google, more tools for advertisers including new formats for AI generated search


Google tests a new method of distributing advertisements under the automatic query results extracted from various sources, in parallel with various other advertising updates. . The advertiser's existing search, shopping, and the AI ​​Outline Advertisement, which uses the Performance Max Campaign, debuted on Tuesday on his Google Marketing Live.

At a press event in New York, Google executives declined to say how many advertisers and users are participating in testing AI summary ads. But the search giant cited one example of showing ads for retailers like Instacart and Walmart's Downy and Bounce when users asked how to get wrinkles out of their clothes. Another new search format allows users to upload images and various criteria to find products based on their shopping needs.

Rachel Melgaard, Google's director of global search advertising, said in a press preview that it will help you get truly customized recommendations before you even get to the point where you need to go through the process on your website. This is a very exciting end-to-end experience for consumers and allows advertisers to collaborate with consumers before they buy.

AI Overview ads are only one of the many new advertising formats and features announced on Tuesday. Others include:

AI-assisted brand guideline tool for P-MAX campaigns. AI image editing tool to remove or add parts of image ads. Image creation tool using reference photos. Animated advertisements from still images. A visually focused brand profile with product images, videos, reviews, and more. Expanded access to Ad Data Manager for all advertisers. and expand on existing formats such as virtual try-on ads and his 360-degree rotating product ads.

Google isn't the only company rapidly rolling out new advertising capabilities powered by generative AI. Others include META, which recently released its own advertising format suite for creating and optimizing images through the ADVANTAGE PLUS, a rival of Performance Max. Meanwhile, Microsoft, which hosted the keynote at the Microsoft Build conference yesterday, is also developing new generative AI tools for advertising. Another upcoming player is Perplexity. The startup plans to introduce advertising for its generative AI search platform later this year. Other online platforms have generative AI tools for advertisers, including Snap, TikTok, Reddit, and Nextdoor.

Despite all the innovations, there are also many concerns. Publishers, advertisers, and digital copyright experts may have a thorough review of search by generated AI, but what damage to media companies, small and medium -sized enterprises, creators, and advertisers that decrease traffic and revenue I am concerned that there will be. Google is in the midst of an antitrust law in the search project, and another monopoly on the digital advertising business is scheduled for September.

According to Brendon Claham, Google's vice president of search and commerce global advertising solutions, the new tool aims to control Google's generative AI to create more on-brand creative assets. Google also provides advertisers with even more recommendations, helping marketers make creative decisions based on their assets and campaign goals. However, he said advertisers will still have control and final approval of the creative.

Certainly, the depth and width of creative assets [is] “In addition to marketing purposes, it's kind of at the heart of it,” Claham told Digiday before Google's announcement. “But we also know that it's not enough to have creative that performs well; it also has to align with the brand.”

Jim Lesinski, clinical professor of marketing at Northwestern University's Kellogg School of Management, said Google's latest AI integration marks a transformative moment in the evolution of digital marketing. He also mentioned other updates, such as Google allowing marketers to optimize search campaigns for profit, not just clicks and return on ad spend.

Lecinski has been particularly impressed that Google is strategically focused on strengthening creativity, personalization, and user engagement through AI. These innovations represent a paradigm shift towards more efficient, personalized and engaging advertising, setting a new standard for the industry. ”

In a press preview of Google Marketing Live by Google and brand executives, Mike Jacobs, a vice president in charge of Etsys, is generated by Marketing, especially in marketing, so marketing AI is generated overall. He said he is excited to use it. Jacobs recognizes the potential of generative AI and has seen some positive results. For now, he sees it as a workflow tool, not something that's ready for prime time, at least not yet. He also mentioned the importance of ad creation formats being implemented at scale.

We have 120 million products, all with different images, so we can work with sellers, whether they're our brand or someone else's. Permissions to do so control everything, Jacobs said. Technology is definitely getting there. Will we reach a point where we're willing to give up that power? I don't think the industry is there yet, but Google has a big role to play in leading the way there. I think.




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