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China creates LLM trained to discuss Xi Jinping's thoughts The Register

China creates LLM trained to discuss Xi Jinping's thoughts The Register


The China Cyberspace Research Institute has revealed that it has created a large language model and conversational AI based on the philosophies of President Xi Jinping.

The XiBot is not online, at least not yet according to a Chinese government announcement it is tested internally.

The service leverages a corpus of government documents to allow citizens to query them using a generative AI interface. Among the documents in the corpus is knowledge based on the book “Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era,” the president’s definitive political philosophy.

Books with the same title are widely available in China. The register saw it for sale in airports likely to be frequented by Chinese tourists, or members of the Chinese diaspora, translated into local languages.

Xi's thinking is also ubiquitous on Chinese government websites and in the media. When Xi gives a speech of some importance, his words are reproduced online.

Creating Chat Xi-PT is therefore nothing extraordinary because Beijing is doing everything possible to ensure that Xi's thoughts are known at home and abroad. Speaking out on a new medium – chatbots – is an obvious extension of existing practices.

As The register As we have often mentioned, generative AI can make things up and confuse the facts. In China, however, Xi is still right, making AI hallucination perhaps less of a political issue than in other countries.

A commotion The RegThe offices of have suggested that the next dictatorial chatbot to roll off the production line could be Kim-Jong AI, to immortalize the North Korean dictator for life.

But in the real world, researchers have already imagined similar installations for loved ones, or historical figures.

In late 2023, your correspondent met with Dr. Simon See, global head of Nvidia's AI Technology Center, which is collaborating with university researchers to explore this technology. At the SIGGPRAH Asia conference, he revealed that he knew of people who had created AI-powered avatars of their loved ones, based on recordings and images.

He also mused that Nvidia hoped to work with researchers on generative AI-powered replicas of prominent figures from history.

“Could we recreate Roman times? Napoleon?” He asked.

He thinks the answer is yes, because “we have their letters and we know their story.”

Your correspondent pointed out that video footage means contemporary historical figures are much better documented than those like Napoleon, and Dr See agreed that the potential to revive them as conversational AI is therefore greater.

I discussed this idea around the dinner table at home, prompting my family to declare it stupid on the grounds that some would welcome recreations of history's worst tyrants and freshly spoken expressions of their Vile ideologies would inevitably spread in the fever swamps of social media. before bursting into the dominant discourse.

This won't happen in China, where even oblique puns seen as criticism of Xi are ruthlessly removed from the internet. Any unauthorized AI would never come online or, if it did, would result in quick shutdowns and nasty penalties.




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