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8 things Imran Khan said about his mental health, depression and comeback | Bollywood

8 things Imran Khan said about his mental health, depression and comeback |  Bollywood


Emerging from obscurity, Bollywood actor Imran Khan has spoken very clearly about his personal struggles, ranging from battling severe depression to seeking therapy. Now, as the buzz around his comeback plan grows, we take a look at some of his comments that gave his fans insight into his life and thoughts. (Also Read: Exclusive | Imran Khan's interview: From his depression, to coming back after 10 years, to love Lekha Washington)

Imran Khan is often in news for his relationship with Lekha Washington. On fighting severe depression

Imran took a break after the release of Katti Batti in 2015. In an interview with Film Companion, the actor opened up about his struggle, saying he was barely able to function at that time.

In those years, I just wasn't able to do these things. I was barely able to function. When you're battling deep, severe depression, just getting up in the morning, brushing your teeth and taking a shower is a monumental task, he said.

In a conversation with Hindustan Times, he said, “The problem with depression, anxiety, all these things is that there are nuances that you don't recognize. Of course, until I had the vocabulary for much of this, I wouldn't consider myself anxious. It's only when you start to become a little conscious… when you can't sleep in the middle of the night and you wake up at 4:30 in the morning – oh, is that anxiety? I didn't really think about it. It didn't seem important enough for me to pay attention to it. I guess towards the end of 2016 I started to really understand.

I was like, you know what, I don't feel good. It's like chronic back pain or something that goes away with time. You don't pay attention until one day you stop and say my back hurts. Maybe I should go to a doctor. So it was a kind of gradual realization. I didn't feel like the guy I thought I was in my head. I realized that even though I think of myself that way, in reality I was a very fearful person, I was very anxious, he added.

On becoming aware of the importance of mental health

In an interview, he revealed that the difficult period between 2016 and 2017 made him realize the importance of focusing on his mental health. “Being an actor is optional, but these things are not,” he said of stumbling upon the changing dynamics of fame with each release.

He recalls, “The week before Jaane Tu Ya Jaane Na released, no one could have cared if I was walking down the street; the week after it came out, suddenly people were chasing my car. »

On the withdrawal of projects

He admitted that his professional life had also suffered from the personal upheavals in his life. I was then attached to a few films. I gave up on a few films at that point. I was in prolonged talks about a film which I believe ended up being called Thar (the Netflix film starring Anil Kapoor). I was at the beginning of the development of this film. And Harsh Varrdhan played this role. I started to back away. I also never issued a press release saying that on this day I was retiring. These were also years when I was very actively battling depression, he told Hindustan Times.

On finding therapy

Imran bared his heart in a conversation with Vogue magazine, where he revealed that therapy helped him get in touch with his heart. He started going to therapy in 2017 and used to see a therapist four times a week.

I felt damaged inside and wanted to fix that. If you pull a hamstring, you go to the physical therapist. Are you not feeling well mentally? Seek therapy, he said.

Calling it a life-changing decision, the actor said, “If you talk to someone who has given up an addiction or stopped drinking alcohol, they might tell you the exact number of days that he remained sober. It’s the same for me with my mental health.

On the road to minimalism

In the process of facing his demons, Imran opted for a minimalist life. He abandoned his bungalow in Bandras Pali Hill and moved into an apartment the moment he divorced his wife, Avantika Malik.

I started by moving into what was essentially an empty space. I started bringing things into the space based on my needs. I had a TV because I like to watch movies and I had a couch. And then, little by little, I started bringing things only based on what I really needed, he told Film Companion.

On losing weight due to depression

Through an Instagram post, Imran revealed that he became skinnier as he battled depression, and people claimed he was on drugs.

In recent years, as I battled depression and stopped working out, I became skinnier than ever. When I was photographed, it sparked a media discussion about my well-being and speculation about drug addiction! I felt deeply ashamed, embarrassed to be seen by someone in this state. So I withdrew again, he wrote on his Instagram account, adding: Even though I'm still a little jealous of these guys with superhero muscles… I don't feel bad about myself.

On his return project set aside

Imran was all set to make his comeback with Abbas Tyrewala's spy thriller. However, the project was put on hold.

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We started talking about it in July last year. Abbas Tyrewala called me out of the blue. I was in San Francisco on vacation and he told me he had written this incredible thing. It was a cool story and he asked me to do it together. The project was in the early stages of development at Hotstar. This was before the acquisition. Late last year, Hotstar merged with Jio and somewhere in all that, that project seemed abandoned, he told Film Companion.

He is happy with the development because he doesn't want to play a character who solves problems with a gun.

On his next project

There has been a lot of buzz around Imran's next project. Recently, there were talks of his comeback with the comedy film Happy Patel, but he dismissed those reports.

After spending 10 years trying to be invisible, experiencing this curiosity is somewhat counterintuitive. Almost every brand has contacted me in the last year for recommendations. I refused everyone. I don't want people to say 'he's back for the money,' he told Hindustan Times.

During the 13th season of the IFP Festival in Mumbai, he had said, “I don't have a clear answer, but I read scripts and have creative conversations with filmmakers.




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