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As Nikkei Forum 2024 opens in Tokyo, world leaders gather for commemorative dinner

As Nikkei Forum 2024 opens in Tokyo, world leaders gather for commemorative dinner






As Nikkei Forum 2024 opens in Tokyo, world leaders gather for commemorative dinner

Tokyo, May 23, 2024

From May 20 to 22, 2024, Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Airlangga Hartarto paid a working visit to the Republic of Korea to further improve bilateral relations and economic cooperation between the two countries. Meetings were held with a number of businessmen from the Republic of Korea regarding making investments in Indonesia, including with the CEO of LG CNS regarding data center management consulting services and technologies of Information and Communication (ICT), the CEO of Hyundai Motor Group. regarding the development of hydrogen projects, and with the president of Lotte Chemical regarding the development of the local downstream petrochemical industry.

During this visit, Coordinating Minister Airlangga also received an honorary doctorate from Gyeongsang National University (GNU) as recognition for Coordinating Minister Airlangga's personal and professional abilities in improving partnership relations so far strategic between the two countries. Apart from this, Coordinating Minister Airlangga also had the opportunity to hold a bilateral meeting with South Korean Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy (MOTIE) Ahn Duk Geun to discuss cooperation in industry, commerce and also in the field of energy transition.

Then, Coordinating Minister Airlangga left for Japan to represent Indonesian President Joko Widodo at the Nikkei Forum 2024 in Tokyo, which this time had the theme “The Future of Asia 2024”. At the meeting, political, economic and academic leaders from the Asia-Pacific region will openly and freely express their views on regional issues and Asia's role in the world. An international meeting organized annually by Nikkei Inc. since 1995, it is considered one of the most important global conferences in Asia.

In addition to speeches from political leaders, the event will also include a series of panel discussions bringing together experts from various fields. Topics to be discussed include regional cooperation to build a digital ecosystem, Asia's efforts to achieve zero carbon, the role of Japan, the United States and South Korea in regional security in North Asia -East, etc. Additionally, Japan and ASEAN will formulate strategies for the next decade at the Nikkei Forum, which is also a prestigious global opinion forum.

During the launch of Nikkei Forum 2024 activities, world leaders including Coordinating Minister Airlangga, representing Indonesian President Joko Widodo, attended the commemorative dinner which opened with remarks by Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida.

Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim, Thai Prime Minister Srettha Thavisin, Vietnamese Deputy Prime Minister Le Minh Khai, Singaporean Deputy Prime Minister Gan Kim Yong, Cambodian Deputy Prime Minister Sun Chanthol, ASEAN Secretary General Kao Kim Hourn, former Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad and former Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad also participated in the event. others were also present in the presence of a number of CEOs of major companies as well as professors from various world-renowned universities. (fsr)


Spokesperson for the Coordinating Ministry of Economic Affairs
Chief, Office of Communications, Information Services and Courts
Coordinating Ministry of Economic Affairs
Haryo Limanseto

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