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Modi targets Indian bloc over vote bank politics and anti-quota mentality

Modi targets Indian bloc over vote bank politics and anti-quota mentality


Narendra Modi was congratulated on Thursday by Dharambir Singh, BJP candidate for the Bhiwani-Mahendragarh seat.

Narendra Modi was congratulated on Thursday by Dharambir Singh, BJP candidate for the Bhiwani-Mahendragarh seat. | Photo credit: ANI

Addressing separate rallies in Haryana and Punjab ahead of the sixth phase polls on May 25, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday accused the Congress and its INDIA bloc partners of dividing the country into three nations, including two Muslim women, in order to appease their vote banks, and saying that Muslims have the first right to India.

He also said the alliance wanted to take away the reservation guaranteed by the Constitution to the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Classes and give it to those who vote for jihad.

Campaigning for Dharambir Singh, the BJP candidate for the Bhiwani-Mahendragarh Lok Sabha seat in Haryana, which goes to polls along with the state's nine other constituencies on May 25, Mr. Modi, referring to a West Bengal High Court's recent verdict canceling five lakh OBC certificates, said the reserve meant for OBCs was being distributed to intruders, exposing the anti-quota mentality of the INDIA bloc. The West Bengal CM said she would not comply with the court order. It will give OBC quota to Muslims. When Congress, TMC and INDI Alliance partners stand firm with their vote bank, who will stand up for you?

The Prime Minister declared that he is the guardian of the rights of the most deprived and he came to assure them that no one will be able to take away their reservation as long as he is alive. This is not a poll speech. This is Modis' guarantee, he said.

Mr. Modi said INDIA bloc partners can do whatever it takes to keep their vote bank intact and the Congress, if it gets its way, will arrest people even for having pronounced the word Ram. He said he wanted to erase Ram from the country. As long as the Congress was in power, it did not allow the construction of the Ram Mandir. He even boycotted the consecration ceremony. Now advisor to the Congress prince [Rahul Gandhi] revealed that the party wanted to lock down the Ram Mandir if voted to power, he said.

The prime minister said the Indian bloc, anticipating its defeat after the third phase, started accusing the Election Commission of delaying the release of voter data to find a scapegoat for its impending loss. Every vote cast for the Congress will be a waste as it will never be able to form a government, he said, adding that the INDIA bloc parties claim that they will have five Prime Ministers in five years if they are elected to the power. The INDI Alliance is only propagating the politics of communalism, casteism and dynasty, he said.

Ineffective CM

At a public meeting in support of BJP Patiala candidate Preneet Kaur, Mr. Modi targeted the Bhagwant Mann-led AAP government in Punjab and said the sand mining and drug mafia, along with gangs shooters, had free rein in the state and the government seemed powerless. He said that ministers and MPs are having fun and that paper(ineffective) CM is busy attending Delhi Darbar party. Referring to AAP and Congress as the decidedly corrupt party in Delhi and the party blamed for Sikh riots respectively, he said they attack each other in Punjab but have an understanding in Delhi.




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