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The Apprentice: the controversy surrounding Donald Trump's film

The Apprentice: the controversy surrounding Donald Trump's film


Garbage. Lies. Dumpster fire. Malicious defamation.

These are some of the words Donald Trump's presidential campaign has used to describe The Apprentice, a new biopic chronicling the former president's rise as a real estate mogul in the 1980s. The film has been premiered May 20 at the Cannes Film Festival in France, earning an eight-minute ovation from the crowd while sparking backlash in Trump's orbit.

Trump's team is particularly upset by a scene that shows Trump raping his then-wife, Ivana Trumpan, an allegation they both deny. After the premiere, Trump campaign spokesperson Steven Cheung said in a statement that he planned to take legal action to address the blatantly false claims of these fake filmmakers, calling the film pure fiction that sensationalizes long-debunked lies. Asked in Cannes about Trump's campaign statement, director Ali Abbasi told reporters: Everyone talks about his prosecution of a lot of people, but they don't talk about his success rate, you know? He added that he would be happy to screen the film for Trump and discuss it with him. I don't necessarily think it's a movie he wouldn't like.

Other Trump allies are also reportedly unhappy with the film. Billionaire investor in the film Dan Snyder, a friend and financial backer of Trump and former owner of the Washington Commanders football team, was reportedly furious at the cut of The Apprentice he saw in February, according to Variety reports . .

Despite the controversy, the film received critical acclaim for its storytelling and performances, starring Sebastian Stan as the young Trump and Jeremy Strong as Roy Cohn, a lawyer who was the mentor and fixer of Trump. (TIME reviewer Stephanie Zacharek writes, “If it's not a great film, it's at least a fascinating and thoughtful one.) The film traces Trump's journey from his early days as a '27 playboy years old, vice-president of his father's real estate company. in 1973, to his emergence as a formidable real estate mogul, navigating the complex intersections of power, ambition and personal relationships in the dynamic landscape of New York City with the help of Cohn.

Read more: Donald Trump called The Apprentice trash. But the movie itself is almost too real

The biopic often does not paint a favorable picture of the former president. The most controversial moment came when Trump allegedly attacked Ivana following her criticism of his appearance. This depiction echoes accusations Ivana made during a 1990 divorce filing, where she accused Trump of spousal rape. She later retracted the claim in 2015, when Trump was running for president.

The film also features scenes in which the business mogul undergoes cosmetic procedures, including liposuction and scalp treatment to treat his baldness. (Ivana claimed Trump underwent these procedures during his deposition in the 1990s; Trump has denied in the past having plastic surgery.)

There is no US release date for the film and no US distributor has secured the rights to The Apprentice. But Abbasi is hoping for a mid-September release, which would mean his film would be available just before voters go to the polls for November's presidential election. We have a promotional event coming up, called the US elections, which is going to help us with the film, Abbasi told reporters.




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