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2024 Elections: Trump campaigns in the South Bronx to appeal to Black and Hispanic voters

2024 Elections: Trump campaigns in the South Bronx to appeal to Black and Hispanic voters


NEW YORK (AP) Former President Donald Trump campaigned Thursday in one of the nation's most Democratic counties, holding a rally in the South Bronx as he tries to woo minority voters days before a Manhattan jury begins deliberations on whether to convict him of criminal charges in his hush money criminal trial.

Trump spoke to supporters in Crotona Park, a public green space in one of the city's most diverse and poorest neighborhoods, a change from the predominantly white areas where he holds most of his rallies. Although the crowd was not as diverse as the South Bronx as a whole, it included large numbers of black and Hispanic voters; Spanish was heard in the crowd.

Trump, in his speech, presented himself as a better president for Black and Hispanic voters than President Joe Biden as he attacked Biden on immigration, an issue Trump has made central to his campaign. He insisted that the biggest negative impact of the influx of migrants in New York is on our black population and our Hispanic population who are losing their jobs, losing their housing, losing everything they can lose.

Some in the crowd responded by chanting “Build the wall,” a reference to Trump's push at the White House to build a border barrier between the United States and Mexico.

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With Trump confined to New York for much of the past six weeks due to his trial, the presumptive Republican candidates' campaign has planned a series of local stops in his hometown before and after court. He visited a bodega in Harlem, went to a construction site and arranged a photo shoot at a local fire station.

But the Bronx rally was his first event open to the general public, as he insists he plays a role in winning a majority Democratic state that hasn't supported a Republican for president since Ronald Reagan in 1984. Beyond creating a spectacle of demonstrators and demonstrators, the rally also gave Trump an opportunity to highlight what he sees as advantages on economic and immigration issues that could chip away at key Democratic voting blocs.

The strategy is to demonstrate to voters in the Bronx and New York that this is not a typical presidential election, that Donald Trump is here to represent everyone and get our country back on track, the representative said Florida Republican Byron Donalds, potential Trump candidate. a friend who grew up in Brooklyn and spoke at the rally.

The former president opened his rally with an ode to his hometown, recalling its humble beginnings as a small Dutch trading post before becoming a glamorous cultural capital that inspired the world. As Trump established residency in Florida in 2019, he recalled Thursday his efforts to revitalize Central Park's Wollman Ice Rink and the people he knew in the real estate business.

Everyone wanted to be here, he told the enthusiastic audience. Unfortunately, today it is a city in decline.

Former President Donald Trump speaks during a rally, Thursday, May 23, 2024, in the Bronx borough of New York. (AP Photo/Yuki Iwamura)

Supporters of Republican presidential candidate and former President Donald Trump gather before a campaign rally in the Bronx borough of New York on Thursday (May 20). December 23, 2024, in New York. (AP Photo/Yuki Iwamura)

Former President Donald Trump speaks during a rally, Thursday, May 23, 2024, in the Bronx borough of New York. (AP Photo/Yuki Iwamura)

If one New Yorker can't save this country, he continued, no one can.

Hours before Trump's rally began, a long line of supporters sporting red Make America Great Again hats and other Trump gear snaked around the park, waiting for security to begin. People were still entering the park during Trump's speech, with enthusiastic supporters walking up a hill toward the rally site after passing through security.

The Bronx Democratic Party protested Trump's appearance by holding its own event in the park.

Members of several unions were present, holding signs saying The Bronx Says No to Trump in English and Spanish.

Former President Donald Trump arrives at a rally, Thursday, May 23, 2024, in the Bronx borough of New York. (AP Photo/Yuki Iwamura)

Supporters of former President Donald Trump, Republican presidential candidate, gather for a campaign rally in the Bronx borough of New York on Thursday (May 20). 23, 2024. (AP Photo/Yuki Iwamura)

Former Rep. George Santos, right, takes photos with supporters outside a campaign rally for Republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump in the Bronx borough of New York on Thursday (20 may. 23, 2024. (AP Photo/Yuki Iwamura)

We're used to elected officials, government officials, opportunists of all kinds coming into our community and using our painful history, said Democratic state Rep. Amanda Septimo, who represents the South Bronx. They talk about the Bronx and everything that's wrong, but they never get to the part about what they're going to do for the Bronx and we know Trump will never get to that part of his speech.

But some locals in the crowd Thursday disagreed.

Margarita Rosario, a 69-year-old woman who has lived in the borough for more than 60 years, said she saw New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on television the night before, suggesting that the Bronx would not support Trump. That prompted him to show up, holding a Trump flag and a poster that read: “Make America Great Again.”

I was so annoyed by this. I said: How dare she speak for the entire Bronx? » said Rosario.

Muhammad Ali, a 50-year-old man who lives in the Bronx and said he plans to vote for Trump in November, said he once thought the former president was racist but that his opinion has changed.

“We need a patriotic president right now and I find Donald Trump more patriotic right now than Joe Biden,” said Ali, an immigrant from Bangladesh and New York transportation agency employee.

At least one New Yorker in the crowd said he knew Trump from his days as a local billionaire real estate developer.

Alfredo Rosado, 62, said he has been a Trump supporter since 1998, when he worked for several months as a substitute summer doorman at the Trump Tower building.

Rosado recounted how Trump asked him his name and stopped to chat. It's the same person you see, he said of the former president.

Trump's campaign believes he can reduce Biden's support among black and Hispanic voters, particularly younger men who may not follow politics closely but are frustrated with their economic situation and attracted to the Trump's tough-guy persona.

He also argued that the indictments he faces in New York and elsewhere make him comparable to Black voters frustrated with the criminal justice system, a statement that has been harshly criticized by Biden's allies.

Former President Donald Trump speaks during a rally, Thursday, May 23, 2024, in the Bronx borough of New York. (AP Photo/Yuki Iwamura)

Supporters of former President Donald Trump, Republican presidential candidate, collect posters before a campaign rally in the Bronx borough of New York on Thursday (May 20). 23, 2024. (AP Photo/Yuki Iwamura)

A banner in support of Republican presidential candidate, former President Donald Trump, is set up before a campaign rally in the Bronx neighborhood of New York on Thursday, May 20. 23, 2024. (AP Photo/Yuki Iwamura)

Biden's campaign released two ads Thursday aimed at undermining Trump's attempts to penetrate black voters, highlighting his spread of the birther conspiracy against former President Barack Obama and his calls for the death penalty for five men convicted in wrongful rape in Central Park in 1989. Five cases. A radio ad fictionalizing a conversation between a Trump campaign volunteer and a Black voter will air on national Black radio stations, while a shorter TV spot will air in major cities, swing states and on platforms digital, with the aim of reaching Bronx voters close to Trump. rally.

The rally comes during a break in Trump's criminal money trial. The court will resume after Memorial Day weekend with closing arguments. The jury will then decide whether Trump will become the first former president in the nation's history to be criminally convicted and whether he will be the first major party presidential candidate to run as a convicted felon.

The Bronx was once the most Democratic neighborhood in the city. Barack Obama won 91.2 percent of the precinct vote in 2012, the highest score in the state. Biden won 83.5% of the vote in the district in 2020. Trump received only 16% of the vote.

The area Trump visited is predominantly non-white, unlike most of his rally locations. About 65% of residents are Hispanic and 31% black, according to U.S. Census data. Around 35% live below the poverty line.

As he finished his speech, Trump said he woke up Thursday unsure of the reception he would receive in the Bronx.

I said, I wonder, will it be hostile or friendly? he said. It was more than friendly. It was a celebration of love.


Associated Press writers Zeke Miller in Washington and Liset Cruz in New York contributed to this report.




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