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Holy Cross Athletics celebrates Class of 2024

Holy Cross Athletics celebrates Class of 2024


WORCESTER, Mass. On Friday, May 24, a total of 142 Holy Cross student-athletes will participate in the College's 178th Commencement Exercises at the DCU Center.

Collectively, the Class of 2024 has won numerous athletic and academic awards at the conference, regional and national levels; set school and conference records; and had a major impact on the Holy Cross and Worcester communities. The Crusaders have had significant success on the court in recent years: the graduating football seniors extended Holy Cross' streak to an unprecedented five Patriot League championships, while the women's basketball seniors won consecutive Patriot League tournament championships and two Patriot regular season titles League, with a total of six NCAA Tournament appearances among group members.

Members of the Class of 2024 received their varsity letters and student-athlete medallions during a farewell ceremony at the Luth Athletic Complex on Thursday, May 23.

Of the many individual achievements of this graduating class, a few selected achievements are listed below:

Conference Players of the Year
Jacob Dobbsfootball (Patriot League Defenseman of the Year – 2021, 2023)
Brooke Rosshockey (Patriot League Goalkeeper of the Year – 2023)
Matthew Slukafootball (Patriot League Offensive Player of the Year – 2023)

Conference tournament MVP
Bronagh Power Cassidywomen's basketball (2023, 2024)

NCAA Individual Statistical Champion
Haley Davishockey (Co-champion Defensive Saves – 2022, 2023)

College Sports Communicators Academic All-American
Jacob Dobbs, football (2023)

Conference Scientist-Athletes of the Year
Jacob Dobbs, football (2023)
Bronagh Power Cassidy, women's basketball (2023-24)

Selections for all conferences
Jacob Dobbs, football (All-Patriot League first team – 2020, 2021, 2023; second team – 2019)
Lauren Drillock, women's lacrosse (All-Patriot League first team – 2024; second team – 2023)
C.J. Hanson, football (All-Patriot League first team – 2022, 2023)
Devin Haskins, football (All-Patriot League first team – 2022)
Lucas Nieuwman, football (All-Patriot League first team – 2021, 2022, 2023)
Bronagh Power Cassidy, women's basketball (All-Patriot League first team – 2023-2024; second team – 2022-2023)
Brooke Ross, hockey (All-Patriot League first team – 2023)
Erik Schon, football (All-Patriot League first team – 2022; second team – 2023)
Matthew Sluka, football (All-Patriot League first team – 2022, 2023; second team – 2021)
Dillon Springer, football (All-Patriot League first team – 2023)

Alex Bryant, baseball (All-Patriot League second team – 2024)
Haley Davis, hockey (second team All-Patriot League – 2023)
Jason Grande, men's ice hockey (All-Atlantic Hockey second team, 2023–2024)
Patrick Haughney, football (All-Patriot League second team – 2020, 2021, 2022)
Mike Mazzocca, athletics (second team Indoor All-Patriot League – 2022-23, 2023-24; second team Outdoor All-Patriot League – 2023, 2024)
Pat McMurtrie, football (All-Patriot League second team – 2021, 2023)
Sean Morris, football (All-Patriot League second team – 2021, 2022, 2023)
Jessica Moth, softball (All-Patriot League second team – 2022)
Sarah Potter, hockey (second team All-Patriot League – 2023)
Tyler Purdy, football (All-Patriot League second team – 2020)
Jack Ricketts, men's ice hockey (All-Atlantic Hockey second team – 2022-23, 2023-24)
Jenna Roane, women's rowing (second team All-Patriot League – 2023–2024)
Terrence Spence, football (All-Patriot League second team – 2023)
Megan Yurchick, softball (All-Patriot League second team – 2022)

Janelle Allen, women's basketball (third team All-Patriot League – 2022-23, 2023-24)
Cerys Balmer, women's soccer (third team All-Patriot League – 2022, 2023)
Cara McCormack, women's basketball (third team All-Patriot League – 2023-2024)
Matt McGonigle, men's soccer (All-Patriot League third team – 2020)
Joe Octave, men's basketball (third team All-Patriot League – 2023-2024)

a livestream will be available of the Commencement Exercises starting at 10:15 a.m. on Friday.

Make sure you follow all Crusader Athletic activity on social media!


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