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Trade Minister meets Italian Ambassador, explores export expansion to Europe via Genoa and Trieste

Trade Minister meets Italian Ambassador, explores export expansion to Europe via Genoa and Trieste


Trade Minister meets Italian Ambassador, explores export expansion to Europe via Genoa and Trieste

DRAWING. Indonesian Minister of Commerce Zulkifli Hasan met bilaterally with Italian Ambassador to Indonesia, Timor Leste and ASEAN Benedetto Latteri on Wednesday (22/5) in Jakarta. During the meeting, Ambassador Latteri offered opportunities for Indonesian exports to Europe via the ports of Genoa and Trieste.

KONTAN.CO.ID – Indonesian Minister of Commerce Zulkifli Hasan met bilaterally with Italian Ambassador to Indonesia, Timor Leste and ASEAN Benedetto Latteri, Wednesday 22/5 in Jakarta. During the meeting, Ambassador Latteri offered opportunities for Indonesian exports to Europe via the ports of Genoa and Trieste.

We are exploring export opportunities to the European Union through the Port of Genoa and the Port of Trieste in Italy proposed by Ambassador Latteri. “Indonesia's advantage for exports through these two ports lies in its position as an entry point to Central and Eastern Europe,” Trade Minister Zulkifli Hasan said.

Trade Minister Zulkifli Hasan added that Indonesia's trade with Europe still accounts for one-third of Vietnam's trade with Europe. It is hoped that the use of export routes passing through the two ports will increase Indonesia's trade volume with the European Union, and with Italy in particular.

Furthermore, Ambassador Latteri also said that the Italian government, together with the Italian private sector, is also offering technical solutions for Indonesia's main export products, such as CPO and coffee, which are affected by the deforestation policy of the European Union. One of the proposed innovations is a certification system aimed at ensuring compliance with policy requirements.

To further discuss Italy's offer, Ambassador Latteri also invited representatives of the Indonesian Ministry of Commerce to Italy to meet with the Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and the port authorities of Genoa and from Trieste. The meeting aimed to open discussions on technical aspects requiring special attention.

Push Pecompletion of CEPA negotiations between Indonesia and the EU

On this occasion, the Minister of Commerce also requested the support of the Italian government for the completion of negotiations on a Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement between Indonesia and the European Union (IEU CEPA). The trade minister said Indonesia and Italy shared a desire to conclude negotiations as quickly as possible.

Indonesia has the same ambition to complete the IEUCEPA negotiations in 2024, as requested by President Joko Widodo and President Ursula von der Leyen. Indonesia welcomes the positive results achieved in the 18th round and efforts to complete negotiations on CEPA, said Trade Minister Zulkifli Hasan.

At this crucial juncture, both sides should be able to pragmatically address and demonstrate flexibility on certain issues of concern in order to reach a mutually beneficial agreement for both sides.

Author: Ignatia Maria Sri Sayekti

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