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Senate Democrats to investigate big oil deal announced by Trump | Donald Trump

Senate Democrats to investigate big oil deal announced by Trump |  Donald Trump


Powerful Senate Democrats have launched an investigation into an alleged quid pro quo offer from Donald Trump to fossil fuel executives.

At a meeting at his Mar-a-Lago home and club last month, the former president reportedly told oil bosses that he would immediately roll back dozens of environmental regulations if elected, and reportedly requested $1 billion in contributions to his presidential campaign. It would be a deal for leaders because of the costs they would avoid under his leadership, he was quoted as saying.

On Thursday morning, the chairmen of two Senate committees each sent letters to eight oil companies and the leading fossil fuel trade group, the American Petroleum Institute.

The letters from Sheldon Whitehouse, chairman of the Senate Budget Committee, and Ron Wyden, chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, accused the companies of engaging in quid pro quo with Trump and requested additional details about the meeting.

As Mr. Trump pours campaign cash into his businesses and uses it as a slush fund to pay his legal fees, Big Oil is aggressively lobbying to protect and grow their profits at the expense of the American taxpayer, they said. wrote the senators. And now, emboldened by impunity, Mr. Trump and Big Oil are displaying for all to see their indifference to the economic well-being of American citizens.

Reached for comment, Andrea Woods, a spokeswoman for the American Petroleum Institute, said the investigation was an election stunt intended to distract from America's need for more energy, including more oil and natural gas, to fuel our economy and fight persistent inflation.

She added: API meets with candidates and policymakers to discuss the need for sound energy policies, and this meeting was no different.

Last week, Jamie Raskin, who chairs the House Oversight Committee, also launched a House oversight investigation into the companies over the reported offering. But unlike Whitehouse and Wyden, Raskin does not have the power to subpoena companies if they do not respond to his investigation, because Republicans control the House of Representatives.

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Trump has continued to ask oil companies for funding for his campaign, amid scrutiny of his dealings with the fossil fuel industry. On Wednesday, he attended a fundraising luncheon hosted by three oil bosses at a five-star hotel in Houston, including two from companies reportedly represented at the Mar-a-Lago meeting.




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