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The last Chinese chatbot is inspired by the political ideology of President Xi Jinping

The last Chinese chatbot is inspired by the political ideology of President Xi Jinping


Hong Kong (AP) The last Chinese Chatbot of Artificial Intelligence is formed on the doctrine of President Xi Jinping, in a brutal recall of the ideological parameters that the Chinese models of AI should respect.

The Chinese Cyberespace Academy announced earlier this week the chatbot formed on the thought of Xi Jinping, a doctrine that promotes Chinese socialism.

The chatbot was formed on seven databases, six of which were mainly linked to the information technologies provided by the Chinese Internet surveillance organization, the Chinese Cyberespace, or CAC administration.

Xi Jinping Thought was the seventh database on which the chatbot was formed, according to an article from the WeChat messaging service published by CACS magazine on the model of AI.

The large linguistic model formed by XI is the last effort of the authorities to disseminate the ideology and ideas of the Chinese leader. Students had to take lessons on Xi Jinping's thought in schools, and an application called Study XI Strong Nation was also deployed in 2019 to allow users to learn and respond to quizs on their ideologies.

The thought of Xi Jinping, also known as Xi Jinping's thought on Chinese socialism for a new era, is made up of 14 principles, in particular that of ensuring the absolute power of the Chinese Communist Party, to strengthen security national and socialist values, as well as to improve the livelihoods and livelihoods of populations. well-being.

The AI ​​model would be able to generate overview of subjects such as AI development and productivity, according to the WECHAT article from CAC magazine.

Users can choose different categories of knowledge bases for intelligent questions and answers. The professionalism and the authority of the corpus guarantee the professionalism of the generated content, indicates the message.

The AI ​​model will also be able to create reports, summarize information and provide translations in Chinese or English to users who have access to it.

However, it is not clear if the chatbot formed by XI will be intended for public use.

The unveiling of the chatbot intervenes while the United States and China are engaged in a race for AI supremacy.

Although the OPENAI GENERATIVE CHARGPT AI model, based in San Francisco, has been widely recognized as one of the most important developments in the field, China also has the ambition to become the world leader in the ' IA by 2030.

China access to a population of 1.4 billion inhabitants also allows the country to accumulate amounts of data to form facial recognition and autonomous driving systems.

Technological companies such as Alibaba and Baidu have mainly deployed AI models in Chinese language similar to Chatgpt for public and commercial use.

However, these AI models tend to be more restricted because they must respect the strict Censorship rules of China. This means that AI Chinese models often do not answer the politically sensitive issues asked for them.

Copyright 2024 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.




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