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Expanding Digital Services, President Jokowi to Open SPBE 2024 Summit, Launch GovTech Indonesia

Expanding Digital Services, President Jokowi to Open SPBE 2024 Summit, Launch GovTech Indonesia – President of the Republic of Indonesia (RI) Joko Widodo (Jokowi) is expected to open the 2024 Summit on Electronic Government Systems (SPBE) and launch government technology (Government Technology) Indonesia at the State Palace on Monday (5/27/2024).

The event will bring together Indonesian Advanced Cabinet ministers, heads of central agencies and regional heads.

SPBE Summit 2024 This is the agenda of the Ministry of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform (Kemenpan-RB) which aims to encourage the development of digital services in every government agency. Government agencies that have managed to achieve the highest scores in SPBE monitoring and evaluation are also appreciated.

Minister of Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform (Menpan-RB) Abdullah Azwar Anas said the activity was a strategic step to accelerate digital transformation at the central and regional levels.

The SPBE Summit 2024 event series is:

  • Brand launch (brand) organize the integration of the Indonesian government's digital service ecosystem and introduce plans for the integration of public service portals and government administration portals.
  • Signing of the commitment of the heads of ministries/institutions responsible for nine priority services of the SPBE.
  • The awards session awarded the “Digital Government Award” to the central and regional government agencies (Pemda) with the best SPBE achievements in six categories of SPBE implementation, namely ministries, institutions, governments provincial, regency governments, municipal governments and increasing the implementation of SPBE.

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Regarding the launch GovTech IndonesiaAnas said the program was an important step in accelerating the implementation of digitally-based integrated public services.

GovTech will be responsible for driving the integration of government digital services that are currently distributed across various platforms or applications.

“The task of GovTech Indonesia is to standardize data and integrate the SPBE Priority system between ministries or institutions into a single digital-based integrated service,” said Anas in his press release, Friday (24/5/2024 ).

“The inter-ministerial and institutional team is making a new story, that for the first time Indonesia will have integrated digital services. “One of them is the interoperability of various service applications that were until now separate,” he added.

Launch of GovTech Indonesia.DOCK. Kemenpan-RB Launch of GovTech Indonesia.

In this first stage, GovTech will accelerate the integration and interoperability of key digital service systems across nine priority services.

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These services include health services, education services, social assistance, digital identity based on demographics, One Data Indonesia services, financial transactions, onboarding. portal serviceservices of the state apparatus, Driving license (SIM) online, and crowd clearance.

Anas said that through this integration, in the future, the public will only need to access a single portal to obtain various digital government services. This should create more effective and efficient public services.

“So far, if they want to access service A, residents have to download application A and fill out and upload various documents. “If you want to access service B, you have to download application B and download various documents again documents,” Anas explained.

According to him, all these processes are simply repetitive and make it difficult for residents, even though there are thousands of services with thousands of applications. Anas said, as instructed President Jokowi, all services must be concise. For this reason, GovTech Indonesia will integrate all these services.

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Furthermore, Anas said, in a number of developed countries, integrated digital services have been well implemented from thousands of applications previously into a single integrated system. With the system single sign-oncitizens do not need to download multiple documents repeatedly or download thousands of applications.

For information, Kemenpan-RB, as chairman of the SPBE coordination team, will collaborate with the Ministry of Public Enterprises (BUMN), the Ministry of Interior (Kemendagri) and the Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu).

Then, the Ministry of Communication and Information (Kemenkominfo), the Ministry of National Development Planning/National Development Planning Agency of the Republic of Indonesia (PPN/Bappenas) and the National Cybersecurity Agency and of cryptography (BSSN).

There are also the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), the Financial and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP), the Public Money Printing Company of the Republic of Indonesia (Perum Peruri) and various other ministries/institutions, including BUMN, in the implementation of the SPBE Summit and preparation of GovTech.

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