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Trump attempts to stop release of 'Apprentice' film with cease-and-desist request

Trump attempts to stop release of 'Apprentice' film with cease-and-desist request


Donald Trump's campaign announced earlier this week that it would take legal action against the filmmakers behind Cannes hit The Apprentice, and now the former Celebrity Apprentice host's team has launched its first strike.

As the Ali Abbasi-directed film seeks a distribution deal to hit U.S. screens, the former president's lawyers have sent an adjective-filled cease-and-desist letter to producers to prevent The Apprentice from being released. be seen by anyone in the United States.

“The film presents itself as a factual biography of Mr. Trump, but nothing could be further from the truth,” writes the May 22 letter to Abbasi and screenwriter Gabriel Sherman (who, at one point, is accused to make “racist, Marxist and other” films). derogatory statements against President Trump in 2018), he says.

“It is a concoction of lies that repeatedly defames President Trump and constitutes direct foreign interference in the United States elections,” the three-page correspondence adds, with a reference to funding of The Apprentice by Canada (where the film was filmed), Ireland and elsewhere. “If you do not immediately cease all distribution and marketing of this defamatory prank, we will be forced to pursue all appropriate legal remedies. »

“You have until May 27, 2024 to respond by agreeing to immediately comply with this request,” concludes the letter from Alexandra, of VA's Dhillon Law Group. “President Trump reserves all rights.”

Aside from pornography and other obscenity, it should be noted that the Supreme Court has long considered and ruled that films are protected by the First Amendment. Then again, with a trio of Trump appointees to the high court, that outlook could change under this conservative SCOTUS activist.

“The film is a fair and balanced portrait of the former president,” the producers said today in response to the letter, and with a nod to the old Fox News motto. “We want everyone to see it and then decide.”

In fact, more than a month before the premiere, Abbasi invited Trump to join him in Cannes for the premiere.

@realDonaldTrump I would like to invite you and your family to our first screening at #Cannes2024 of #THE_APPRENTICE. It's a dramatized account of your formative relationship with Roy Cohen and more. I would obviously be curious to hear your comments.

– Ali Abbasi (@_aliabbasi_) April 11, 2024

News of the cease and desist letter was first reported today by Variety.

Longtime Trump supporters can tell you that while the much-indicted past and current candidate often threatens to sue his critics and rivals, he rarely follows through. It might be different this time with Sebastian Stan, Maria Bakalova and Estate veteran Jeremy Strong starring in the film of the Art of the Deal author's rise in the 1970s and 1980s under the tutelage of the 'ruthless Roy Cohn.

That said, a cease and desist letter is nothing more than a warning shot to any potential defendant, and doesn't mean much without an actual filing with the court.

A fact that Abbasi himself noted during a press conference on May 21, the day after The Apprentice's debut. “Everyone talks about his prosecution of a lot of people, but they don’t talk about his success rate. [with those lawsuits]”, the filmmaker told the assembled media.

Featuring a number of sordid situations from the Trump era in New York real estate, including a highly reported sexual assault of his then-wife Ivana (played by Borat alum Bakalova), The Apprentice, written by Sherman, received an 11-minute standing ovation after its premiere. Outside of the cinema, the film was generally praised by critics.

There was nonetheless some level of anxiety on the part of filmmakers ahead of the festival regarding possible legal issues, but hope and expectation within the industry that a US deal for the film could be reached in the days following its screening.

We know there was national interest in the film, but the noise has been quiet on that front, a sign that buyers may have been given pause by the legal sabre-rattling of Trump and the film's former owner. NFL team Dan Snyder, who invested money in The Apprentice through production. Kinetic Society. Many have touted a streamer house as a potential domestic destination for the film. A buyer will wonder if any publicity is good publicity, especially in an election year? Or is this topic and the threat of litigation simply too hot to handle?

The longer a buyer waits, the more it could become the dominant sentiment among industry observers.

The project was shrouded in mystery for years before its Cannes launch and the filmmakers worked to keep the press from announcing casting or deals as they sought to get the film made without drawing attention to him, probably because of his fuel. subject'

After a disjointed and slightly combustible rally in the Bronx yesterday (where, once again, the turnout was overblown), Trump himself returns to the Manhattan courthouse to hear closing arguments in his secret criminal trial. The case and Trump's fate go to the jury after lawyers have their say.

Anthony D'Alessandro contributed to this report.




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