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Trump lawyers seek to block US release of biopic The Apprentice | Donald Trump

Trump lawyers seek to block US release of biopic The Apprentice |  Donald Trump


Donald Trump's lawyers have sent a cease and desist letter to the producers of The Apprentice in an attempt to block its sale and release in the United States after the film which depicts the former US president raping his first wife was shocked audiences during its world premiere at the Cannes Film Festival.

The Trump campaign announced earlier this week that it would take legal action against the Ali Abbasis film, with spokesperson Stephen Cheung pledging to respond to the fake filmmakers' blatantly false claims.

This garbage is pure fiction that sensationalizes long-debunked lies, Cheung told Variety on Monday. This film is pure malicious smear, should not see the light of day, and does not even deserve a place in the direct-to-DVD section of a bargain bin at a soon-to-be-closed discount movie store. It belongs to a dumpster fire.

Billionaire former owner of the NFL's Washington Commanders and Trump supporter Dan Snyder is also reportedly preparing his own cease-and-desist letter to block a U.S. distribution deal. Snyder, who invested in The Apprentice thinking it would paint a positive portrait of Trump, was reportedly furious after viewing a rough cut of the film, Variety reported.

In response to the cease and desist letter, the producers behind the film said it was a fair and balanced portrayal of the former president, according to a statement reported by several media outlets. We want everyone to see it and then decide.

At a Monday Cannes Film Festival screening of the film Abbasis, which stars Sebastian Stan as Trump and opens with a warning that the events depicted are fictional, viewers were reportedly stunned by scenes including Trump undergoing liposuction, scalp reduction surgery and, most controversially. a scene in which he pushes his first wife, Ivana, to the ground and rapes her.

The film's rape scene is a fictionalized account of an alleged 1989 attack that was previously detailed in the couple's 1990 divorce proceedings. In her deposition, Ivana Trump described an assault that she said occurred produced shortly after her husband's scalp reduction surgery.

Ivana initially described what followed as rape, but she later walked back her allegations.

The Trump campaign did not respond to requests for comment on the letter. Speaking to the press recently, Abbasi appeared unconcerned by the threat of legal action. Donald's team should watch the film before they start chasing us, he said. Everyone always talks about him chasing a lot of people. However, they don't talk about its success rate.




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