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The world should together create a more balanced, fairer and inclusive system,” says Turkish President

The world should together create a more balanced, fairer and inclusive system,” says Turkish President


Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said Friday that there is no institutional mechanism in the world capable of protecting the oppressed and stopping the oppressors.

“We must work together to create a more balanced, fair and inclusive system,” Erdogan said at the first Albaraka Global Summit in Istanbul, titled Global Outlook for Islamic Economy: Fundamentals and Needs.

He said the global system must be redesigned with all its elements in accordance with today's realities.

Stressing that the international system has lost its balance, uncertainty has increased and instability and chaos have become dominant, Erdogan said: “The war between Russia and Ukraine broke out before the rubble destruction caused by the coronavirus pandemic is removed and the Gaza Strip is not destroyed. the crisis followed on October 7.

“The massacres committed by Israel in Gaza before the eyes of all humanity for almost eight months have revealed the impotence of the world order and shaken confidence in existing institutions,” he added.

Stressing that the unfair and distorted nature of the structures responsible for maintaining order in the world, in particular the UN Security Council, has once again become apparent, Erdogan said: “The institutions that are presented to us for years as guarantees of global security have shown great weakness.”

He said: “As Trkiye, we have been drawing attention to this situation for a long time. We say that the global system must be redesigned with all its elements in accordance with today's realities. is greater than five” shows the urgent need to change the system. With the war between Russia and Ukraine and the genocide in Gaza, this has become inevitable,” he said.

“We must see it and accept it: borders and distances cannot protect us while the world has become a gigantic village,” Erdogan added.

If people die of hunger in Africa despite all the underground resources, if blood continues to flow in Syria, Sudan and Yemen, if 35,600 innocent people are mercilessly massacred in Gaza, if the Mediterranean, cradle of civilization, is transformed in cemetery refugee shelter, if thousands of hopeful travelers take their last breath every year in the deserts and mountains, with all due respect, no one can feel safe, no one can sleep l Peace of mind at night, he said.

The two-day event, which ends on Saturday, is attended by around 1,500 people, including senior officials from Trkiye and abroad.

Erdogan said that many topics, including Islamic economics and its moral principles, Islamic investment instruments, sustainable growth, for-profit businesses and the concepts of waqf and zakat, will be discussed at the event .

“It is also important that such a summit is organized in our country,” he said.

Trkiye, which historically served as a commercial and humanitarian bridge between East and West, has begun to play the same role between financial markets,” the Turkish president said.

The Istanbul Financial Center, opened by Trkiye last year, has become a symbol of the country's efforts and vision, he added.

Erdogan said international investors have confirmed that Istanbul has great potential in finance and Islamic finance.

“We hope that the Albaraka Summit will support our efforts to elevate Istanbul's position as a regional financial center to the global level,” he added.




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