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China is rattling its sabers on Taiwan and the US must not lose focus

China is rattling its sabers on Taiwan and the US must not lose focus


Beijing's endless tussles over Taiwan prove just how high the stakes are for the United States.

Our leaders, political and military, must not lose sight of the massive strategic threat posed by China.

Consider Thursday's provocative Chinese military exercises off the coast of Taiwan, an explicit punishment that Beijing itself used the word! for separatist acts.

These separatist acts consisted of a speech by Taiwan's new leader Lai Ching-te (and the election of Lai itself).

Lai is a strong supporter of Taiwan's autonomy and he dared to say so.

Beijing responded harshly.

Why does he feel so free to do so and to say, as the government has done, that the exercises constitute a stern warning against interference and provocation by external forces, i.e. the United States? United ?

For the same reason, its Consulate General in New York felt free to issue a statement on the same day saying that if America truly cares about cross-Strait peace and stability and wants the world is secure and prosperous, it should uphold the one-China principle. principle and support the reunification of China.

China sees such ample room for maneuver because of President Biden's trial and error and pusillanimity in the face of China's aggressive power projection.

Watch Biden's April phone meeting with Chinese Supreme Leader Xi Jinping.

The president made the usual noises about peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait.

But Xi implicitly threatened military action if the United States did not act prudently enough in this area.

He had reason to feel comfortable doing so: the Biden administration has not taken any action that would have caused China to retreat from its aggressive practices since Joe took office.

Remember the American spy balloon fiasco in 2023?

The White House let a Chinese military surveillance device float around the country and inspect sensitive sites, then planned to lie to the public about it (presumably so that Secretary of State Antony Blinkens' planned and then postponed visit to Beijing goes smoothly).

China has clearly taken note of Biden's horrific slide out of Afghanistan, his declining commitment to Ukraine, and his abandonment, for political reasons, of America's close Middle East ally, Israel .

Xi observed the US's lame response to Iran's provocations.

It is pathetic.

And our weakness has borne ugly fruit in Taiwan.

Xi clearly sees that there are no costs in allying himself with Russian strongman Vladimir Putin, threatening Taiwan, and dominating the waters off China's coast and in the region itself.

In March, China violated Taiwan's territory with the deliberate entry of Chinese coast guard boats into Taiwanese waters just weeks before Biden's call with Xi.

Beijing reportedly sent four spy balloons over Taiwan in January, ahead of the elections that brought Lai to power.

And Xi made his vision very clear in his year-end speech in December, promising full reunification of China and Taiwan, after making a similar promise days earlier in a speech to mark the 130th anniversary of Mao's birth.

The trajectory here is obvious and should set off alarm bells in the White House, the Pentagon, and every other corridor of American power.

Is anyone listening?

Indeed, China's claim that reunification and conquest of Taiwan will make the world safer is a precise echo of Putin's nefarious designs toward Ukraine.

Biden has already failed this test; we hope he finds the resolve and courage to make this decision.

But we weren't holding our breath.




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