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'Reality exposed': Opposition leaders attack PM Modi for 'mujra' remark, say he needs 'rest and treatment' | News from India

'Reality exposed': Opposition leaders attack PM Modi for 'mujra' remark, say he needs 'rest and treatment' |  News from India


NEW DELHI: Congress general secretary Priyanka Gandhi Vadra and the opposition leaders Saturday heavily criticized Prime Minister Narendra Modi for using the term 'mujra' to target the opposition alliance Blog INDIAthe leaders argued that such comments from a person holding such a position in the country undermine the dignity of the position.
The remarks follow PM Modi's earlier statement at rallies in Bihar, where he launched a scathing attack on the opposition alliance bloc INDIA and accused it of engaging in “slavery” and of the “mujra” for the Muslim vote bank.
Prime Minister Modi said, “Bihar is the country which has given a new direction to the struggle for social justice. I would like to announce on its soil that I will foil the plans of the “INDIA” coalition to plunder the rights of SC, ST and OBC. and give them to Muslims. They (the opposition bloc) can remain slaves and perform 'mujra' to please their vote bank.

Modi's mujra attacks Indian alliance I Watch

Priyanka Gandhi Vadra said no Prime Minister in the history of the country had ever used such words to refer to opposition leaders, adding that the entire nation holds the post of Prime Minister in high esteem and It is his responsibility to maintain the dignity of this position. The Prime Minister became nervous and forgot that he represents the country and its people, and such words should not have come out of his mouth, she added.
Priyanka's attack on PM Modi
She greeted the audience in Bhojpuri saying, “Raua sabhe ke Ram-Ram”.
“Modi ji delivered a speech in Bihar and uttered words to opposition leaders that no prime minister in the history of the country would have uttered,” the Congress general secretary said. “Your faith and hopes were once pinned on Narendra Modi, but is it not the responsibility of the Prime Minister to maintain the dignity of this post?” she added.
Quoting a composition of famous saint Baba Gorakhnath, Vadra said, “The entire country respects the post of Prime Minister and we also respect him. But the way he (Modi) speaks today, the sad thing is that his reality has been exposed. “.
She said the Prime Minister calls the entire country his family, but this is not reflected in his words. Vadra emphasized the importance of respect within a family, saying, “Family members always have a respect for each other (anko ki sharam) which must not be lost, which must always be retained. ”
The Congress general secretary highlighted that unemployment in the country is at its highest level in 45 years, calling it the “biggest problem”.
She wondered if Prime Minister Modi is addressing this issue, asking, “Is Modi ji talking about this?” Have you heard the word unemployment from Modi ji? Now is the time for PM Modi to say what unemployment is?
Pawan Khera's jibe on PM Modi
Congress leader Pawan Khera slammed Prime Minister Modi for using the term 'Mujra' at a recent event. Khera questions the wisdom of such language coming from the Prime Minister and further suggests that the Prime Minister appears exhausted and needs rest and medical attention.
In an article on X, the Congress leader wrote in Hindi: “Today Narendra Modi used the word “Mujra” in a program. Does it suit the Prime Minister to use such words? The Prime Minister is tired. He needs rest and care. »
Speaking to ANI, Khera said, “Is this how the Prime Minister of a country speaks? Is there a provision for reservations based on religion in the Constitution? You have been Prime Minister for 10 years, you sat after taking power. oath of the Constitution, you should have at least read what is written there.”
“Those who make comments without reading the Constitution reflect their mentality of dividing the country. Their mentality of inciting conflicts between communities in the country,” Khera added.
Saket Gokhale: I can't hide his true personality
In another post on can no longer hide his true personality Such cheap language, man has now come to use words like mujra, frightening to think of everything he has to say while traveling abroad. as Prime Minister.
“Get well soon, Modi ji.
Shiv Sena (UBT) member Priyanka Chaturvedi shared the video clip of the rally in Bihar on social media and said, “Get well soon, Modi ji. »
“I’m worried about him.”
RJD leader Manoj Kumar Jha said: “On Modi becoming the first Indian Prime Minister to invoke mujra in a manner election rally. I am not worried about what he (PM Modi) says, I am worried about him now. Until yesterday we didn't agree with him, now we worry about him.
“Unprecedented in Indian history”
The All India Trinamool Congress also released a video on designate the opposition. This is unprecedented in the history of India is a Prime Minister who uses such vile and derogatory language. His words are not only an insult to the decorum of his constitutional position, but a slap in the face to an entire community.




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