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Xi Jinping unveils killer 'war dogs' with machine guns on their backs

Xi Jinping unveils killer 'war dogs' with machine guns on their backs


Chinese military officials are testing a unique piece of kit, robot dogs equipped with machine guns on their backs.

A 15-day exercise, called Golden Dragon, was organized with Chinese and Cambodian troops.

The training mission included more than 2,000 troops, 14 warships, two helicopters and 69 armored vehicles/tanks, as well as four-legged, remote-controlled robot dogs equipped with automatic rifles.

It was reported that the robot gunners did not fire any fire.

\u200bChinese forces watch robot combat demonstration equipped with machine guns

Chinese forces see demonstration of 'dog' combat robot equipped with machine gun


The Chinese ships' visit to Cambodia could further fuel U.S. concerns about the presence of Chinese warships at Cambodia's Ream naval base, whose recent expansion has been supported by China.

Cambodia's decision to allow China to develop Ream, located on a key waterway on the Gulf of Thailand coast in Cambodia's Sihanoukville province, has upset Washington.

Officials fear it will give Beijing a new outpost near the disputed South China Sea, most of which is claimed by China.

Before a Chinese-funded modernization began in June 2022, Ream had been the site of some joint U.S.-Cambodia naval training and exercises. Cambodia demolished the US-built facility in October 2020.


\u200bA dog with a machine gun attached to its head

A dog with a machine gun attached to its head


Experts have warned that autonomous armed drones and robot dogs pose significant ethical issues. This has led to calls for an international ban on autonomous killer robots in wartime.

However, despite ethical concerns, military forces and local law enforcement in the United States are investing in the technology, The Byte reports.

The maker of the popular Spot Mini robot dog, Boston Dynamics, is adamant that attaching weapons to the robot dog is against its terms of service.

A company spokesperson said: “We are committed to not weaponizing our advanced mobility multi-purpose robots or the software we develop that enables advanced robotics and we will not help others do so. “

Separately, the US State Department said on Saturday that the United States was “deeply concerned” about China's military exercises in and around the Taiwan Strait, and strongly urged it to act with restraint.

A State Department spokesperson said: “Using a normal, routine, democratic transition as an excuse for military provocations risks escalation and eroding long-standing norms that maintain peace and stability in across the Taiwan Strait for decades. »

China, which claims to democratically govern Taiwan as its own territory, launched the “Joint Sword – 2024A” exercises three days after Lai Ching-te became Taiwan's president, a man Beijing calls a “separatist.”

Beijing said the drills were “punishment” for Lai's inauguration speech on Monday, in which he said the two sides of the Taiwan Strait were “not subordinate to each other.” which China viewed as a declaration that the two sides of the Taiwan Strait were separate countries.




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