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PTI calls May 25 'darkest day in political history' – Journal

PTI calls May 25 'darkest day in political history' – Journal


ISLAMABAD: The Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf declared May 25 as the darkest day in the country's political history, alleging that on this day two years ago, the state unleashed all its fury against peaceful protesters led by PTI founding president Imran Khan subjected them to tear gas, rubber bullets and batons for hours.

A PTI spokesperson, in a statement, said Imran Khan had launched a Haqiqi Azadi (real freedom) movement two years ago and organized a peaceful rally, aimed at establishing the supremacy of the Constitution and Rule of law in the country.

The spokesperson said the state's fascist tendencies peaked on May 25, 2022, when participants of the Azadi March were brutally treated and subjected to a reign of terror, in blatant violation of the Constitution and the law .

On May 24, 2022, Imran Khan announced a long march to Islamabad, which was to begin on May 25. He led the march from Peshawar, but the protesters were arrested in Attock, preventing them from reaching the capital.

The party mobilizes the IHC against the CDA raid on its central secretariat

The spokesperson claimed that on May 25, 2022, human rights were violated across the country, houses were raided, women and children were harassed and PTI leaders and workers were arrested and taken away.

He said two PTI workers were martyred and dozens of others injured; in addition, their properties were destroyed and their homes ransacked. He alleged that the state apparatus was doing its best to push the country towards civil war; however, it was Imran Khan who, despite all the atrocities committed by the state, raised the flag of peace high and saved the country from internal unrest and chaos.

The PTI spokesperson lamented that under the pretext of a false flag operation on May 9, senior party leaders, including women, and over 10,000 workers were arrested and jailed. He went on to say that the state was still engaged in extrajudicial and illegal activities, while Imran Khan and the PTI were continually being targeted for violence and revenge.

Pakistan needs stability, which can only be achieved by ensuring the supremacy of the Constitution and law, he said, demanding an immediate end to state oppression and the release of Imran Khan in order to to provide effective leadership to the country and nation before the crisis deepens further and the situation reaches a point of no return.

IHC opposes CDA raid

The PTI on Saturday approached the Islamabad High Court against the raid by the Capital Development Authority (CDA) on the party's central secretariat.

The CDA earlier this week demolished what it claimed were encroachments and sealed the party secretariat.

In its petition filed by PTI General Secretary Omar Ayub through advocate Shoaib Shaheen, the party termed the functioning and sealing of its secretariat in Sector G-8/4, Islamabad, without having legal authority, dishonesty, political victimization, without adopting due process. of law and contrary to the provisions laid down in the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, 1973.

As per the petition, Arshad Dad and Naseem ur Rehman, both members of the Central Finance Council of PTI, through an agreement dated 17.07.2020, purchased Commercial Land No. 1-A, measuring/ size 30 X 48, 160 square meters located at the shopping center. Centre, sector G-8/4-2, Islamabad, by Sartaj Ali.

Ali, the seller, then wrote a letter dated 29.07.2020 to the Capital Development Authority for transfer of allotment of land, CDA vide letter dated 30.07.2020 after considering the application, land allotted/transferred on behalf of PTI.

However, on May 23, 2024, at around 11:15 p.m., the petitioner came to know through electronic media that the CDA in connivance with the Islamabad Police was in the process of demolishing the PTI head office located on the said land.

When the petitioner requested the CDA and police officials to show any order or notice relating to encroachment ever issued to him, the CDA and police officials, instead of paying heed to the petitioner's request to showing an order or notice, began to demolish the building. PTI headquarters, which is illegal, the petition states.

Published in Dawn, May 26, 2024




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