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Former Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan expresses regret for trusting former Pakistan Army Chief Qamar Javed Bajwa

Former Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan expresses regret for trusting former Pakistan Army Chief Qamar Javed Bajwa
Former Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan expresses regret for trusting former Pakistan Army Chief Qamar Javed Bajwa


Imran Khan has expressed deep regret for trusting former army chief General (retd) Bajwa.


Jailed Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) founder Imran Khan has expressed deep regret for trusting former army chief General (retd) Qamar Javed Bajwa, while he was in power, Dawn reported.

Former Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan accused Bajwa of orchestrating his imprisonment and criticized Pakistan's political and military leadership.

“My only regret is having trusted General Bajwa,” lamented Imran, accusing him of “creating lies and false narratives” to obtain a second extension at the head of the army.

Imran's allegations against Bajwa were detailed, suggesting a meticulous plan on the part of the former army chief.

“I am certain that this ordeal was orchestrated by General Bajwa. I do not hold anyone else responsible. He meticulously planned and executed this plan, presenting himself as a deceptive character, creating lies and false narratives to provoke national and international chaos – all to ensure its continuation,” Imran stressed, as reported by Dawn.

The former prime minister's feelings towards Bajwa evolved over time. While he initially approved an extension for Bajwa in 2019, Imran later admitted to Bol News in 2022 that it was a mistake. Imran cited Bajwa's failure to understand the impact of his actions on democracy and Pakistan.

Asked about US involvement in his impeachment, Imran placed the blame solely on Bajwa. “General Bajwa single-handedly spread stories about me in countries like the United States, portraying me as anti-American or not interested in good relations with them,” he claimed.

Imran's criticism of Bajwa extended to his leadership style, describing him as unpredictable and driven by personal greed. “His insatiable thirst for power made him unpredictable,” Imran remarked, describing Bajwa’s actions as those of a “bull in a china shop,” according to the Dawn report.

Throughout the interview, Imran emphasized his commitment to the rule of law in Pakistan and maintained that his imprisonment was unjust. He claimed to have constantly fought for democracy and justice, suggesting that his incarceration was the result of political vendettas orchestrated by Bajwa.

Imran's views on the legitimacy of the current government reflect his current political position. He has flatly refused to recognize the government, citing allegations of electoral fraud and violence.

Imran’s message to the world resonated with his unwavering commitment to democracy and the people of Pakistan. “This is not just about Imran Khan. This is an attack on democracy and the right to self-determination of 250 million people,” he said, highlighting the alleged repression of PTI members and the trust deficit between the ruling elite and the people.

Despite his imprisonment, Imran remained steadfast in his principles, saying his popularity came from his honesty and integrity. “They know that no amount of money can buy or change me,” he asserted, maintaining his unwavering dedication to the people of Pakistan, Dawn reported.

(Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)




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