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Majority of voters think Trump got a fair trial, but felony conviction is disqualifying

Majority of voters think Trump got a fair trial, but felony conviction is disqualifying


A majority of Minnesota voters believe that former President Donald Trump's trial in New York, which resulted in a conviction for falsifying business records to conceal a hush money payment, was a fair proceeding and that a No one convicted of a crime should be eligible to run for president.

But voters' opinions on the trial are sharply divided along partisan lines, reflecting a deep national political divide over the five-month sentence until November's election.

The Star Tribune/MPR News/KARE 11 Minnesota poll found 54% of voters thought the five-week trial was impartial, while 44% said Trump did not receive a fair trial. The poll results are based on interviews with 800 likely Minnesota voters, conducted June 3-5. The poll's margin of error is plus or minus 3.5 percentage points.

Trump was convicted on all 34 counts of falsifying business records to hide a secret $130,000 payment to adult film actress Stormy Daniels shortly before the 2016 election, a verdict he vowed to make call.

When asked whether someone convicted of a crime should be eligible to run for president, 55 percent of respondents said no. Thirty-seven percent of respondents said a convicted felon should still be eligible to run for president, while 8 percent were unsure.

Nick Liguori, a 33-year-old equipment salesman interviewed in the poll, said electing a president convicted of a crime would taint the image of the United States in the eyes of the rest of the world.

“Republicans say they are the party of law and order, but once the tide turns, they are no longer the party of law and order. This shows their [hypocrisy]” said Liguori, who lives in Eagan.

“There are unfair trials and people are unfairly convicted. Did that happen in this case? Probably not,” he added. “If you are found guilty, no matter what people think, you are now a criminal.”

Women and voters living in Hennepin and Ramsey counties were much more likely to believe the trial was fair and that someone convicted of a felony should not be eligible for president. A slim majority of independent voters agreed.

A majority of voters living outside of Hennepin and Ramsey counties did not think Trump's trial was fair. Dave Ainley, a Republican voter who lives in Eden Prairie, said Trump would never get a fair trial in heavily Democratic New York, and thinks the judge in the case was “clearly biased” against the former president .

More than 90% of Republican poll respondents agreed that the trial was neither fair nor impartial.

“I think there will be an appeal and everything will be thrown out,” said Ainley, a 61-year-old computer equipment salesman. “It's a very Democratic state, so how could he win when it's so politically charged? If it wasn't Trump, no one would be talking about it.”

Ainley was also among one in four poll respondents who did not believe Joe Biden legitimately won the 2020 presidential election, results similar to the results when the same question was asked in a September Minnesota poll 2021. He said there was “too much margin for error” in the current electoral system, which leaves questions in voters' minds.

But fewer people doubt the legitimacy of the election today than three years ago, with 69% of respondents saying they believe the 2020 election outcome was legitimate and 6% unsure. In 2021, 14% of respondents said they were unsure whether Biden legitimately won the election.

All Democrats surveyed for the poll said the 2020 election was legitimate, while 31% of Republicans said the same.

“Unless you're on conspiracy theory sites all day, I don't know why that wouldn't be considered legitimate,” Liguori said of Eagan, who added that numerous court battles and Recounts in the weeks and months following the election have only solidified. Biden's victory.

A slim majority of respondents said both political parties' presumptive presidential nominees are too old, while 20 percent said neither is too old. Asked about individual candidates, a quarter of respondents think Biden, 81, is too old, while 2% said the same about Trump, who turns 78 this week.

White voters, those 65 and older, as well as men and those without a college degree, were more likely to think Biden is too old to be president.

“We probably need someone who grew up in a little more modern era,” said Daniel Winkelman, a 28-year-old union carpenter, who said both candidates were too old. “We're still electing these… people who grew up in a completely different era and don't care about what's really going on.”

Winkelman, who lives in Rice in central Minnesota, said neither candidate could understand the issues facing a younger generation of voters. Although he is conservative in leaning, he is willing to vote for the candidate who makes the most sense to him.

He said he was inclined to vote for Trump this fall, but if the former president were convicted of a more serious crime, it could change his position. The fact that Trump has already served one term as president is also a factor for him.

“It depends on the crime,” Winkelman said. “He was president before, and from what I know, things went well. If he had never been president before, maybe that would change things.”




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