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An event eagerly awaited by the community

An event eagerly awaited by the community


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The Jakarta Kemayoran Fair 2024 is officially open. The grand event initiated by PT Jakarta Internasional Expo was opened directly by the President of the Republic of Indonesia Joko Widodo accompanied by Acting (Acting) Governor of DKI Jakarta Heru Budi Hartono, at JIExpo, Kemayoran, Central Jakarta, Wednesday (12/6/2024).

President Jokowi appreciated the holding of the 55th Jakarta Kemayoran Fair. He said that the Jakarta Kemayoran Fair was a highly anticipated event by the community, both the people of Jabodetabek and people from various regions in Indonesia. According to him, the Jakarta Kemayoran Fair can attract public interest because it presents various events, from discount shopping to concerts by local musicians.

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“People can enjoy themselves and shop at affordable prices. This is what is interesting about the Kemayoran Jakarta Fair, which is being held for the 55th time. And last year it was visited by more than 6 million visitors This is also an extraordinary achievement,” said President Jokowi.

On the one hand, Acting (Acting) Governor of DKI Jakarta Heru Budi Hartono explained that the Jakarta Kemayoran Fair has a long history deeply rooted in Jakarta culture. From a small exhibition in the Monas area, the Jakarta Fair has transformed into a modern exhibition in Kemayoran, as well as a stage for various premium Indonesian products.

“In 2023, the Jakarta Kemayoran Fair will bring together 2,500 exhibitors consisting of micro, small and medium enterprises as well as private companies. Within 32 days of its implementation, it generated economic transactions worth IDR 7.3 trillion, with a total of visitors as many as 6 million people,” he explained.

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He explained that this year's Kemayoran Jakarta Fair was themed “Jakarta Fair supports national economic growth in Indonesia and is able to compete in the global market.” In line with this theme, Acting. Governor Heru highlighted Jakarta's role as a catalyst for Indonesia's economy and the transformation into a global city.

“According to the Global City Index 2023 report published by Kearney, Jakarta is ranked 74th out of 156 cities in the world. This is an encouragement for the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government to continue striving to maximize the city's potential so that it is on par. with other developed cities in the world,” he said.

Looking to the Future, Acting Governor Heru hopes that the Jakarta Kemayoran Fair will continue to be a means of promoting international quality, local industrial excellence and innovation. He also invited all Indonesians to come to Jakarta and host the Jakarta Kemayoran Fair 2024. “It has also been proven that the participation of companies and economic players from various countries in this Jakarta Fair event brings a real contribution to the Indonesian economy and creates opportunities. for international cooperation,” he said.

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Meanwhile, Director of PT Jakarta Internasional Expo Karuna Murdaya said that his party will again organize the grand event Jakarta Fair Kemayoran 2024 from June 12 to July 14, 2024.

“We are authorized to celebrate the Jakarta Kemayoran Fair 2024 with enthusiasm and create a spectacular exhibition to promote trade and creative industries of various premium products from domestic and foreign markets. At the same time, it is a means of entertainment for Jakarta residents. and Indonesia as well as participants from within and outside the country,” he added.

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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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