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Reviews | The American flag is not another Trump property. It's time to get it back.

Reviews |  The American flag is not another Trump property.  It's time to get it back.


I'm not easily flabbergasted, but the other day my flabber got better and panting. I was riding a beach bike, the one with the 2-by-3-foot American flag flying on the back. I race it because (a) I love my country and (b) I love my spine, and the flying flag means fewer cars flattening me.

So I'm pedaling down the street and the star-spangled banners are whipping behind me, and I hear a horn. That's when a guy in the passenger side of a white Ram 4×4 truck leans over and yells: Yeah! Go Trump!

Come on Trump? Me? He can't shout that to me. I'm looking for someone in a MAGA hat or a T-shirt with a picture of Trump, but there's no one. And that's where it hits me.

This guy thinks I'm a Trumper.

Why else would I fly an American flag?

Follow reviews from this authorRick Reilly

Then, a week later, it happens again, but in reverse. I'm driving along when a woman leans out of her green Subaru and screams, F— Trump! and knocks me down. She had seen the flag and understood the same thing as the guy in the truck.

This lady thinks I'm a Trumper.

Which brings me to a question for Flag Day Friday: When did the American flag become another Trump property?

And if the former president doesn't really own it, he definitely co-opted it. These days, if you see a jacked-up pickup truck with four American flags, you either honk your horn proudly or move three lanes away. There's a house in my neighborhood with a giant Trump flag hanging from the roof. Have you ever seen a Biden flag? Me neither, not once. Online, you can find dozens of American flags for sale with Donald Trump's name or face on them. Good luck finding one with Bidens.

Of course, presidential candidates have always been happy to wrap themselves in the flag. But with Trump, it’s never felt so much like a Hollywood prop. Trump doesn't care about the flag any more than he cares about being a Republican. What he cares about is what it looks like holding it.

I was with Trump once, 20 years ago, when he kept misrepresenting me as the guy who runs Sports Illustrated or that guy owns SI! I just worked there. When I asked him why he lied to people, he said, “It looks better.”

Trump loves the flag, like the Bible, because it is more beautiful. The American flags flying on his properties are about the size of Dennys. In fact, he snuggled up to a flag at a conservative conference in 2020 and said: I love you, baby.

He's great on the flag, but puny on what he represents.

Serve your country in the military? Uh no.

Obey the law? No, no, 34 times no.

Freedom of speech? Big no. Trump claims that if he is re-elected, he will retaliate against the media, criminally or civilly.

But what really pisses me off is that the Trumps aren't just kidnapping the flag, they're abusing it. MAGAs fly the flag upside down. Like the one that flew over the Alitos house. Formerly, it was a maritime sign indicating that a ship is in distress. Now this is a sign that the brain is.

In video from the January 6, 2021 Capitol riot, an Arkansas trucker picked up an American flag off a pole and hit a cop with it. Hit the Blue.

There is also a video from January 6 showing the invaders tearing down the Star-Spangled Banner and putting up Trump's. And Colin Kaepernick kneeling was a betrayal?

For many Americans, the flag has become a symbol of Trump's misogyny, Trump's bigotry, and Trump's would-be president for life. Which means, for Democrats like me, flying an American flag on your house is like bringing anthrax brownies to your neighbors. Flying a flag puts you in the van with an Oath Keeper. You can see why. During the 2020 election, a phalanx of trucks flying American flags and Trump flags attempted to run a Biden campaign bus off the road.

The Stars and Stripes were here 169 years before Trump was born, and they will be here long after he is gone. I say it's time to take back the flag. The same goes for Biden's campaign, judging by the Democratic National Committee's recent ad that just called it Flag.

The American flag belongs to 336 million of us, not just the 46.9% of the electorate who voted for Trump last time. More than 81 million Americans voted for Biden in 2020. The more of us who wave the flag from our porches, our cars and, yes, our bikes, the less it seems like Trump helped Betsy Ross sew it.

Come on Trump? Good idea. Go, Trump, as far as you can. But leave the flag.




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