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China and Argentina in talks over possible visit by Javier Mileis to Beijing (sources)

China and Argentina in talks over possible visit by Javier Mileis to Beijing (sources)


Argentina and China have begun discussions on a possible visit by President Javier Milei to Beijing, although neither the date nor the agenda have been finalized, sources familiar with the matter told the South China Morning Post on Friday.

The news comes a day after local media in the South American country reported on the visit, citing July 4 as the tentative date for the trip.

These reports were later denied by Mileis spokesperson Manuel Adorni, who told reporters: Not only is there no date, but there is nothing, absolutely nothing confirmed.

Adorni said neither side had requested a bilateral meeting between Milei and the Chinese president. Xi Jinping. But he stressed that this did not rule out the possibility of a trip and a meeting between the two leaders.
Talks about a possible meeting between Milei and Chinese President Xi Jinping began after Beijing's ambassador to Buenos Aires met with Argentina's chief minister on Wednesday. Photo: Reuters
Reports of the visit surfaced in Argentine media a day after Beijing. agreed to extend the activated part of a renminbi currency swap deal with Buenos Aires, the latest move in a tumultuous period for China-Argentina relations.
Before his election last November, Milei campaigned on a highly anti-China agenda that often equated China with other autocratic governments, including Cuba And North Korea and called Xi a murderer.
The currency swap deal was widely seen as essential for the South American country to continue meeting its obligations to the International Monetary Fund.

On Wednesday, Argentina's Central Bank said the agreements, estimated at $5 billion, would remain in effect until July 2026.

Discussions about a visit to Beijing by Milei reportedly began after a meeting on Wednesday between Wang Wei, the Chinese ambassador to Buenos Aires, and Guillermo Francos, the Argentine prime minister.

A few hours after the meeting, Beijing gave the green light to the renewal of exchanges.

An image posted to the X account belonging to Guillermo Francos, chief minister of Argentina (right), after his meeting with Wang Wei, the Chinese ambassador to the country (left), in Buenos Aires on Wednesday . Photo:

Patricio Giusto of the China-Argentina Observatory in Buenos Aires said a Xi-Milei meeting could be a condition for China to free up trade, giving Beijing a political victory.

He would not go to China if there was another alternative, Giusto said of the Argentine leader.

I think the reason he ends up traveling is because there is no other option. If he had one, he'd return all the trades, but Milei knows he can't do that.

The Chinese embassy in Buenos Aires has not yet responded to Post's request for comment.

A visit to the Chinese capital would give Beijing the opportunity to show off to the Argentine president, Giusto added, making him understand that Chinese development is not comparable to that of these other countries.

He also believed that China would likely expect Milei, during a visit, to publicly reaffirm Argentina's participation in the conflict. Belt and Road Initiativethe trade and economic integration network of central governments.
The South American country joined the Chinese program in 2022 when then-President Alberto Fernández attended the opening ceremonies of the Beijing Winter Olympics.

Still, Giusto predicted that a trip would not address sensitive issues such as Chinese involvement in critical infrastructure projects that have angered the United States in recent years.

Since taking office last year, Milei has frozen negotiations to build a nuclear power plant in partnership with Beijing and refused to buy Chinese fighter jets in favor of second-hand American models sold by Denmark.

In May, he ordered an inspection of the Espacio Lejano station, a space base in southern Argentina operated by China under an agreement signed in 2012 by then-President Cristina Kirchner and valid until 'in 2062.

Under Milei, Argentina will not collaborate with China on strategic projects, nor will there be military cooperation, Giusto said. This issue has already been excluded from the agenda.

And China is aware of this. They will not try to exert pressure because it is a losing battle and could compromise other results that they are able to achieve.

A visit, if it takes place, could prove an opportunity to revitalize trade between the two countries, Giusto added.

Since Mileis' inauguration last December, China has gone from Argentina's second to fourth trading partner, according to reports on the country's trade published by the National Institute of Statistics and Censuses.




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