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Chrissy Teigen 'fears Donald Trump will come after her'

Chrissy Teigen 'fears Donald Trump will come after her'


Chrissy Teigen fears Donald Trump would “come after her” if he returned to the White House.

Speaking at Cannes Lions, the star cited criticism she made of the former POTUS on social media, referencing his on-X description of Trump as an “ass bitch” in 2019 She called the moment she learned Trump had pushed for her removal from the platform “a career highlight.”

Teigen said she's ready for a Trump comeback — “oh beyond,” she added — but she's also apprehensive about his attention.

“It's also a little scary, because it's, 'Oh, he knows I'm here,'” Teigen said at the annual ad conference. “What could really happen because of this? We obviously know he's unbalanced, but could he really come after you in other ways? It's a strange feeling.

The model turned cookbook author and influencer spoke with her husband John Legend for a live taping of the “On with Kara Swisher” podcast as part of Cannes Lions.

The caption said that the prospect of Trump going after him and his wife was just one reason why people needed to make sure Trump “doesn't come within a mile of the White House “.

The couple said they would remain more politically active than ever in the next election cycle.

“We are going to be active. We’re going to the White House on the way home and we’re going to support President Biden,” Legend said.

Speaking about her politics, Teigen said she recognizes that being outspoken can cause problems in dealing with her brand.

She pointed out “grocery stores, which are not used to receiving negativity,” adding: “When you're a name attached to your own thing, anything you say or do can affect the business or make it disappear for we don't know how long. [Grocery] stores are not used to the world of celebrity partnerships. Paul Newman [with his salad dressing] They're not going to get in any more trouble…but if they were bombarded with phone calls because I talked about health care or women's rights…that scares them a lot.

Legend said he's “sure some fans won't vote for my team on The Voice because they don't agree with my policies, but that's okay with me.”

“People know what they're getting with me. I stand for what I stand for, it's been consistent for a long time,” he added. Teigen agreed, saying, “They're going to hate you anyway, so you might as well sleep at night.”

She praised beauty influencers who are speaking out about the conflict in the Middle East. “They risk losing everything, but they do,” she said of models like Gigi and Bella Hadid, who recently pledged to donate $1 million to humanitarian efforts in Gaza.

“I will never return to X”

Regarding social media, Teigen said that Instagram is now the only platform she uses, confirming that she will “never go back to X.”

Reflecting on her time on the platform formerly known as Twitter, she said: “My therapist says my time online was almost a moment of euphoria for me. It was so much fun, I was so connected, it was the Wild West, and my therapist says I'm still looking for that level.

Teigen's self-deprecating humor and willingness to make fun of herself and other public figures initially led her to become one of Twitter's most famous personalities, with 42.4 million followers. . And she received an outpouring of sympathy in 2020 when she documented the loss of her unborn baby with a series of moving photographs from her hospital room.

However, she experienced the other side of such notoriety in 2021 when she was accused of cyberbullying and saw some of her relationships with major retail brands end, including Bloomingdales reportedly pulling out of an agreement he had made with the star. .

The model apologized for her conduct, referencing her exchange with Stodden and writing on I am mortified and sad about who I was. I was an insecure, attention-seeking troll. I am ashamed and completely embarrassed by my behavior.

Teigen and Legend are both linked to several brands, including Loved01 (skincare), Cravings (cooking and food), and Kismet (dog food).




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