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I owe it to Xi Jinping to serve

I owe it to Xi Jinping to serve


BEIJING, June 17, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Fifty-five years ago, a Xi Jinping Aged 15, as an “educated young man”, he went to the village of Liangjiahe in the northwest of Chinain the province of Shaanxi. He then spent seven years in the countryside, working and living with farmers.

Those years cultivated in him an unshakable belief in the need to do practical things for people, Xi recalled.

After being elected general secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CCP) in November 2012, he vowed that he would continuously devote himself to serving the people. “People’s desire for a happier life is our mission.”

From secretary of a rural party to general secretary of the CPC Central Committee, to Chinese president and the Central Military Commission, Xi Jinping always has his country in mind and regards himself as the servant of the people.

Man of the people

Xi arrived in Liangjiahe as a somewhat confused teenager and left as a 22-year-old man determined to serve the people.

Later it was Zhengding, a poor county in China Province. Hebeiin the north of China. Li Yaping, a Zhengding County official at the time, remembers Xi saying that the China I had a lot of things to do and I needed people to take responsibility.

From his early years, Xi did not seem interested in the grandeur of his positions. He would travel for days, sometimes even into the mountains, to talk to local people, understand their difficulties and help them solve their problems.

In Zhengding, Xi cycled across the county and observed that the state's annual quota of 38 million kilograms of grain purchases had left the population hungry.

He wrote to the CPC Central Committee, suggesting that local farmers' difficulties were due to high purchasing quotas. After the investigation team became aware of the situation, it reduced the quota from 38 million to 24 million kilos.

Cheng Baohuai, then secretary of the CPC Committee of Zhengding County, recalled that people were grateful for Xi's work, saying they finally had enough food. Xi truly rooted himself among the people and took their difficulties seriously, Cheng said.

“For the good of my people”

Since the 18th CPC National Congress in 2012, Xi has made more than 100 visits to grassroots levels, including urban and rural areas.

He raised concerns about the sufficiency of leave provisions for food markets, residents' access to health plans and migrant workers' wages. Meeting the most urgent needs of the population is on the agenda of central authorities and has become the driving force for reforms.

“We now practice a philosophy of people-centered development,” Xi said at a June 23, 2017 symposium on eradicating extreme poverty. “People-centered development must focus on what people need most.”

Under Xi's leadership, the China The country has seen historic changes, with the eradication of absolute poverty and modest prosperity for the country's 1.4 billion people.

The disposable income per capita of China in 2023, for example, it has increased by 6.1% in annual terms and the income gap between urban and rural residents continues to narrow. The gains in poverty eradication have been consolidated and expanded, with per capita income in rural areas lifted out of poverty increasing by 8.4 percent over the past year.

“China's modernization aims to ensure that development is for the people and by the people, who share its fruits,” Xi said at a seminar in February 2023.

When asked what he thought about his election as president of the China During a visit to Italy, Xi acknowledged the great responsibility and arduous task of governing such a large country, but expressed his dedication to Italy's development. China.

“For the sake of my people, I will put aside my own well-being,” Xi said.






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