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Erdoan denies any break with his ally and rules out early elections

Erdoan denies any break with his ally and rules out early elections


Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoan has expressed support for his party's continued alliance with a far-right party, amid recent allegations of disagreement between the two, while ruling out the possibility of holding early elections , reported the official Anadolu news agency.

Speculation is rife about the collapse of the alliance between Erdoan's ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) and the far-right Nationalist Movement Party (MHP), particularly after local elections in March 31, when the AKP suffered its worst defeat of its era in power and the MHP failed to achieve notable successes.

Support for the AKP nationally stood at 35.4 percent, while the MHP received 4.9 percent in local elections.

A climate of normalization which began following the local elections between the AKP and the opposition parties, in particular with the main opposition party, the Republican People's Party (CHP), which came first in the elections. March 31, and with the visit of President Erdoan and CHP leaders. The seats of other parties, for the first time in years, gave rise to speculation about whether the country's political landscape was changing. Some have claimed that Erdoan and MHP leader Devlet Baheli could part ways and break their public alliance and establish new alliances with other parties.

Erdoan, who met with his party organization on the occasion of the Eid al-Adha holiday on Monday, said his party would never be manipulated by people who try to sow the seeds of evil and provoke a break in the public alliance with the MHP. .

The Public Alliance is the guarantee of unity, peace and fraternity of 85 million [people of Turkey]. The stronger our alliance, the safer Turkey will be, Erdoan said.

A meeting Erdoan had with the widow of an assassinated former Gray Wolves leader at Ankara's presidential palace last week also sparked speculation about a growing rift between Erdoan and the MHP.

Sinan Ate, the former leader of the Gray Wolves, was assassinated in Ankara on December 30, 2022. His widow, Aye Ate, is actively demanding justice for her husband. Ate has previously expressed concerns about the influence of political figures, particularly MHP leaders, who are hindering the investigation and prosecution of those involved in the murder.

Justice Minister Ylmaz Tun, who also attended the meeting, said Erdoan was determined to ensure justice for Sinan Ate.

The same day Erdoan received Aye Ate, Baheli tweeted a photo of himself on Instagram wearing a ring reading Allah is Enough for Me, which many interpreted as a threat to Erdoan. The photo was published shortly before Erdoan's meetings with Ate and CHP leader zgr zel.

Erdoan also said on Monday that there would be no elections in the next four years, during which the government would focus on its economic program, implement giant projects and carry out reforms in many areas.

The last time Turkey held presidential and parliamentary elections was in May 2023, when Erdoan won another term as president. The next elections are scheduled for 2028.

The issue of early elections returned to the country's agenda after the AKP's electoral defeat on May 31, despite the fact that the main opposition party, the CHP, did not call for early elections .

There was speculation that Baheli might call for early elections if his party's alliance with the AKP breaks down.

Turkey's 600-seat parliament can only call early elections if three-fifths of the 360 ​​MPs support it.

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