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Xi Jinping highlights PLA's political loyalty in crucial meeting at former revolutionary base

Xi Jinping highlights PLA's political loyalty in crucial meeting at former revolutionary base


Chinese President Xi Jinping stressed the political loyalty of the armed forces during a crucial meeting on their political work held in Yan'an, a former revolutionary base in northwest China's Shaanxi province. China.

Xi, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission (CMC), demanded efforts to ensure a solid political guarantee for building a strong military, during his speech in the CMC Political Work Conference. , which was held from Monday to Wednesday.

The Yan'an conference, which Xi personally decided to convene, came 10 years after a similar meeting in Gutian, east China's Fujian province. The participants discussed and took steps to promote political work within the People's Liberation Army (ELP).

Xi stressed the need to maintain the Party's absolute leadership over the armed forces and build a high-quality cadre team that is loyal, honest, responsible and capable of carrying out the mission of strengthening the armed forces.

On Monday afternoon, Xi led CMC members and heads of various departments and units to visit revolutionary relics in Wangjiaping, where the CMC headquarters was stationed from August 1937 to March 1947.

Xi visited the former residences of revolutionary leaders, including Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai and Zhu De, in Yan'an to honor the memory of their revolutionary struggle.

The Yan'an conference marks a return to the roots of the armed forces, Xi said.

He called on senior army officers to shoulder the responsibilities entrusted by the Party and the people to continue strengthening the armed forces.

Xi delivered an important speech at the conference, pointing out that after the 18th CPC National Congress in 2012, the CPC Central Committee held the 2014 Gutian military-political work conference and improved political conduct through rectification initiatives.

Measures to govern the army with strict discipline have been comprehensively implemented with unprecedented determination and intensity, achieving historic achievements in increasing political loyalty within the army, according to Mr. Xi.

Xi stressed that political work has always been the lifeline of the country's armed forces. The armed forces must always be led by people who are trustworthy and loyal to the Party, and there must be no room for corruption within the armed forces.

Noting that the Chinese military faces complex challenges in political work, Xi said it is necessary to continually increase political loyalty within the military to ensure that the people's armed forces always respect their core values, maintain purity and strictly follow discipline.

He also analyzed the deep problems that need to be resolved in military political work, emphasizing that one of the root causes of these problems lies in the lack of ideals and beliefs.

Xi called on relevant personnel at all levels, especially senior managers, to introspect, engage in deep reflection and make serious rectifications.

Xi highlighted the fundamental work of strengthening political loyalty within the military, calling for efforts to arm the military with new Party theories and improve the leadership of Party organizations as well as their organizational and leadership capabilities. Implementation.

The Party's leadership must be upheld in all areas and throughout the process of strengthening combat readiness, Xi noted.

Xi called for efforts to train a contingent of high-caliber officials, eradicate the breeding ground for corruption and improve the overall supervision of senior officials in terms of carrying out their duties and exercising power.

Officials at all levels, especially those at the highest ranks, should lead by example and serve as pioneers and role models, Xi said.




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