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The PAC behind Trump and Castro 'dictators' billboard have more to come – NBC 6 South Florida

The PAC behind Trump and Castro 'dictators' billboard have more to come – NBC 6 South Florida


Mad Dog PAC, the organization behind the billboard comparing Donald Trump to Fidel Castro that has some South Florida residents on edge, says it is “one of many intended to expose the truth about the former president.

Our mission is to beat Donald Trump by revealing the truth about him, PAC founder Claude Taylor told NBC6. We have installed impactful billboards in a number of battleground states.

The billboard elicited everything from laughter to passionate responses from neighbors near Northwest 67th Avenue and the Palmetto Expressway. One woman told Telemundo 51 in Spanish that it was disrespectful to Cuba, Cubans, Trump and the United States.

But the Palmetto brand is not the only one causing controversy. Taylor says the PAC posts billboards every day in Florida, Nevada, Arizona, Georgia, North Carolina and what he calls “the big three”: Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan .

So who runs this Political Action Committee (PAC), and is its goal to make people laugh or spark serious deliberation?

Maybe both, says Taylor, who became something of a social media celebrity during Trump's first presidential campaign.

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People from all over leave emails and messages on the PAC's answering machine about the signs, Taylor says.

I mean, some of our billboards are just meant to be funny, Taylor insisted. We put up a billboard on I-95 at Mar-a-Lago that simply said “cheating at golf.” That one probably got as big a reaction as any.

Yet others go for the jugular.

We have the one on I-75 that says convicted felon, which is really all anyone needs to know right now about Donald Trump, Taylor said.

The PAC's website features one that says “Roe roe roe your vote,” referring to the Supreme Court overturned case that granted federal protections against abortion, but it's unclear where that one is located. .

We just installed a really nice one on I-75 between Tampa and Sarasota. [and] we have a nice one on I-4 in Orlando with Mark Hamill, who gave us permission to use his image,” Taylor said.

Hamill played the role of the legendary Luke Skywalker in the Star Wars franchise. The sign it is on reads: The Force is Strong with Biden.

Humor aside, Mad Dog PAC supports the comparison made on the local billboard.

“As someone who spent time in Cuba, Florida and even Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, Fidel Castro was a horrible dictator. And from my organization's perspective, Donald Trump would be an equally horrible dictator,” he said. Taylor said. said.

“I think it's very fair to compare Donald Trump, who in his wildest dreams aspires to be a Fidel Castro. He wants to be another dictator and just as evil as Fidel Castro was.”

Trump's Hispanic communications director, Jaime Florez, said their camp was not surprised by the sign.

“This is another sign of the desperation of President Biden's campaign and the Democratic Party, which realizes that they have utterly failed with Hispanics,” Florez said.

“If there is anyone who has shown us that he has no interest in being a dictator, it is President Trump, who once served as president of the United States,” the statement added.

How many are there?

Since January, about 15 or 20 new billboards have been installed in Florida, but this billboard is the first in Spanish and the first in South Florida. It won't be the last, Taylor said.

“We include Florida because it is of particular importance because it is so associated with Donald Trump,” he said.

And who pays for the signs, you might ask? MAD Dog PAC claims on its website that it is funded by ordinary people, not “wealthy individuals and special interest groups.”




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