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Donald Trump praises Joe Biden's debate skills

Donald Trump praises Joe Biden's debate skills


Donald Trump praised Joe Biden's debate skills ahead of their first 2024 presidential debate.

Speaking on the All-In podcast, Trump said Biden “destroyed” former House Speaker Paul Ryan in the 2012 vice presidential debate, and that he would not “undermine” him. didn't think so.”

“Well, all I can say is this: I watched him with Paul Ryan, and he destroyed Paul Ryan,” Trump said.

“Paul Ryan with the water, he was drinking water left and right, I didn't think a human being would be able to drink that much water at once. And he beat Paul Ryan. So I don't underestimate it. I don't underestimate it. It is what it is.”

Joe Biden speaking at the White House this week, and Donald Trump on the campaign trail even in Detroit earlier this month. Trump praised Biden's debate skills ahead of their first presidential debate. Joe Biden speaking at the White House this week, and Donald Trump on the campaign trail even in Detroit earlier this month. Trump praised Biden's debate skills ahead of their first presidential debate. Carlos Osorio/Evan Vucci/AP The context

Trump and Biden are expected to face off in their first debate on June 27, hosted by CNN at the network's studio in Atlanta, in the critical state of Georgia.

The Trump campaign has often mocked Biden for his public speaking gaffes, while suggesting the president lacks the cognitive capacity to run for office again.

What we know

During his interview on the All-In podcast, Trump said “we'll see what happens” regarding how Biden performs in the first presidential debate of 2024 before adding that the president is “incompetent for many reasons”.

“I think he's incompetent because he has the worst policies, both in foreign policy and domestic policy. I mean, who wouldn't want a wall? Who wants millions of people pouring in? Who wants high taxes? Taxes? I'll raise four times if this guy has his plan”

Trump was then asked if Biden was in “cognitive decline,” to which the former president responded: “I shouldn't be the one to say that, but I don't think he's doing particularly well “.

“But I didn't think he was well 25 years ago, I thought he wasn't an intelligent person,” Trump adds.

“So I was never a fan of his, but I will say he beat Paul Ryan, that was years ago, but he beat Paul Ryan pretty bad. And I guess he'll be someone 'one who will be a worthy debater. I don't want to underestimate him.'

The remarks mark a shift in tone from Trump, who previously said Biden was the “WORST debater I've ever faced – he can't put two sentences together!”

In a video posted to social media in May, Biden suggested that Trump “lost two debates to me in 2020” and had not “shown up for a debate” since then, a reference to Trump skipping the four 2024 Republican primary debates.

“Now he's acting like he wants to debate me again. Well, make my day, buddy,” Biden said.

CNN revealed some aspects of how the 90-minute debate unfolded. Each candidate's microphones will be muted, except when it is their turn to answer questions, to avoid Trump and Biden talking over each other.

There will be no studio audience at the debate in Atlanta.

Trump will have the last word at the end of the debate after winning a coin toss, CNN announced Thursday.


Luppe B. Luppen, lawyer and writer, reacting to Trump's praise of Biden: “He's a [very] strange thing to say about someone who you (a) debated more recently yourself and (b) said for about six years was mentally incompetent.

Sahil Kapur, senior national political reporter for NBC News, said Trump was “trying to reset expectations for Joe Biden” by praising the president before the first debate.

After that

The live presidential debate on CNN, the first to take place between an outgoing president and a former president, will take place on June 27.

The second presidential debate, hosted by ABC, will take place on September 10.

Updated 6/21/24, 5:49 a.m. ET: This article has been updated with additional reactions and information.

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