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Accusations against fake Nevada pro-Trump voters dismissedExBulletin

Accusations against fake Nevada pro-Trump voters dismissedExBulletin


Nevada State Republican Party Chairman Michael McDonald is seen in 2018 in Las Vegas. A judge on Friday dismissed the criminal indictment against six Republicans, including McDonald, accused of submitting certificates to Congress falsely declaring Donald Trump the winner of the state's 2020 presidential election. LE Baskow/AP .

. LE Baskow/AP

LAS VEGAS A Nevada state court judge on Friday dismissed a criminal indictment against six Republicans accused of submitting certificates to Congress falsely declaring Donald Trump the winner of the 2020 presidential election, effectively could end the case by ruling that state prosecutors chose the wrong venue to file their complaint. the case.

Nevada Attorney General Aaron Ford stood in a Las Vegas courtroom a moment after Clark County District Court Judge Mary Kay Holthus issued her ruling, saying he would bring the The case went directly to the state Supreme Court.

“The judge made a mistake and we will appeal immediately,” Ford later told reporters. He declined further comment.

Defense attorneys have bluntly declared the case dead, saying that bringing the case now to another grand jury in another location such as Carson City, Nevada's capital, would violate a three-year statute of limitations for filing of charges which expired in December.

“It’s over,” said Margaret McLetchie, attorney for Clark County Republican Party Chairman Jesse Law, one of the defendants in the case.

The judge canceled the trial, which was scheduled for next January, for defendants who included state Republican Party Chairman Michael McDonald; national party committee member Jim DeGraffenreid; National and Douglas County committee member Shawn Meehan; and Lake Tahoe area party member Eileen Rice. Each was charged with offering a false instrument to file and using a false instrument, offenses punishable by up to four or five years in prison.

Defense attorneys argued that Ford wrongly brought the case to Las Vegas instead of Carson City or Reno, northern Nevada cities closer to where the alleged crime took place. They also accused prosecutors of failing to present the grand jury with evidence that would have exonerated their clients, and said their clients had no intention of committing a crime.

All except Meehan were nominated by the state party as Nevada delegates to the 2024 Republican National Convention next month in Milwaukee.

Meehan's defense attorney, Sigal Chattah, said his client “chose not” to seek the position. Chattah ran as a Republican in 2022 for state attorney general and lost to Ford, a Democrat, by just under 8% of the vote.

After the hearing, Hindle's attorney, Brian Hardy, declined to comment on calls his client has received from advocacy groups telling him he should resign from his elected position as supervisor of elections in the Story County in northern Nevada, a jurisdiction with a population of just over 4,100. Those calls included those at a news conference Friday outside the courthouse by leaders of three organizations.

Nevada is one of seven presidential battleground states where slates of fake voters falsely certified that Trump won in 2020, not Democrat Joe Biden.

The others are Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, New Mexico, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.

Criminal charges have been filed in Michigan, Georgia and Arizona.

Trump lost Nevada in 2020 by more than 30,000 votes to Biden, and the state's Democratic electors certified the results in the presence of Nevada Secretary of State Barbara Cegavske, a Republican. Her defense of the results as reliable and accurate led the state GOP to censure her, but Cegavske later led an investigation that found no credible evidence of widespread voter fraud in the state.




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